Classical Dance (Dance Education) 1

Not scheduled

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
107KTP1 credit 2 2 hours (45 min) of instruction per week, 32 to 42 hours of self-study Czech winter

Subject guarantor


Name of lecturer(s)



The subject provides Dance Department


Practice and instruction assingments of simple phrases, understanding and correction of fundamental classical dance principles according to the curriculum of the 1st year of an 8 year dance conservatory and implementation of a classical dance lesson structure - la barre, au millieu, adagio, allegro, sur les pointes. Also part of the course are instruction demonstrations, observations at dance conservatories and the course paper.

Learning outcomes

Detailed knowledge of classical dance technique, that is the movement vocabulary numbering up to 600 pas a temps, all positions, poses and foot, leg, arm, wrist, trunk (hips, waist, shoulders, shoulder blade) and head placements. Advanced coordination and condition for performing all classical exercises.

Prerequisites and other requirements

Basic physical disposition for the execution of classical dance technique. Proper (for teaching) aesthetic level of demostrating and presenting all movement representing the main indicators and style of that technique. Movement memory.


Vaganova A.: Basics of classical dance, 1981

Tarasov N. I.: Classical dance, 1983

Kostrovitskaya V., Pisarev A.: Classical Dance, 1968

Kostrovitskaya V.: 100 Classical Dance Lessons, 1981

Warren W.: Classical Ballet Technique,1989

Messerer A.: Classical dance lessons

Janecek V.: Methodology of classical dance in art school (Cecchetti method), 1993

Beaumont - Idzikovsky: A Manual of the Theory and Practice of Classical Theatrical

Dancing - Cecchetti method, 1940

Lifar S.: Traité de Danse Academique, 1952

Schorer S.: Balanchine Technique, 2000

Karsavina T.: Ballet technique

Video: David Howard - Class for beginners, Balanchine Essays

Evaluation methods and criteria

Credit is awarded based on:

activity in exercises and classes

develpment of the semester paper

During the semester independent readings and active participation in class discussions are required which are a condition for taking the exam. The exam is written and oral. The overal assessment is comprised of 60% for class activity, 20% in the written part of the exam and 20% for the oral.

Conditions for successful completion of the course: Active participation in class, development and presentation of the course paper.

Course web page




Further information

No schedule has been prepared for this course

The subject is a part of the following study plans