Selected Topics in Piano-Jazz (Mg)

Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule Completion Credits Range Semester
108KTI1 Communication techniques for interpretative Fields 1 Czech Z 1 2T winter
108KTI2 Communication techniques for interpretative Fields 2 Czech Thu
Galerie HAMU
Z 1 2T summer
101ZEAK1 Fundamentals of Electro-acoustic Composition for jazz fields 1 Czech Z 1 1T winter
101ZEAK2 Fundamentals of Electro-acoustic Composition for jazz fields 2 Czech ZK 1 1T summer
171ZZTH Fundamentals of Sound Technology for Musicians English, Czech ZK 1 1PT winter
108TI1 Interpretation Theory 1 Czech Z 1 2T winter
108TI2 Interpretation Theory 2 Czech Thu
Reading room in HAMU Library
ZK 1 2T summer
101UHK1 Introduction to Music Composition 1 Czech Z 1 2T winter
101UHK2 Introduction to Music Composition 2 Czech Tue
Z 1 2T summer
101UHK3 Introduction to Music Composition 3 Czech Z 1 2T winter
101UHK4 Introduction to Music Composition 4 Czech Z 1 2T summer
171UAH Introduction to acoustics for Musicians Czech ZK 2 2PT winter
108DHN Music History after 1950 Czech Thu
Učebna 2017
ZK 2 2PT summer
100STUDIO Studio N English, Czech Wed
Učebna KS 2020
Z 1 1PT+1ST winter and summer
101ISH The Interpretation of the contemporary Music - practice Czech Tue
Z 2 2/LT winter and summer