Overview of History of Dance and Ballet 1

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
107OHDB1 credit 3 1 lecture hours (45 min) of instruction per week, 1 seminar hours (45 min) of instruction per week, 57 to 72 hours of self-study English winter

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The subject provides Dance Department


The course contains a chronological outline of the development of dance art in the European (world) context, presents its individual stages and main factors (choreographic personalities, staging methods, choreographic works, performance practice) and focuses on the integration of dance art into the context of the development of other artistic disciplines.

The aim of the study is to gain a broader understanding of the cultural significance and function of dance from the earliest stages of human development to the end of the 16th century. The seminar will then understand how the stylistic characteristics of each period are reflected in dance expression and extant repertoire.

Thematic areas:

  1. Dance as part of the ceremonies of prehistoric people. Types of dances according to their functions in society. Basic dance formations, archaeological findings in relation to dance.
  2. Dance culture of theocratic empires, common features, institutions of temple dancers. Sources of knowledge. Differences between cultures in Egypt, Mesopotamia, China and Japan. The earliest treatises on dance, the links between dance and religions and secular theatre in these empires. Popularity of dance in Greek society, types of dances and their social function, the ideal of kalokagathia. Knowledge of dances in tragedies and comedies. Pantomime dancers in Rome.
  3. Early Middle Ages, first reports of dances in Europe, estampida and first dance melodies. Dancing in early Christian worship. Medieval scholasticism and negative reactions to dance, Gothic dance expressions, choreomania, danse macabre as a form of morality within medieval religious theatre. Basse danse as the first known artifice form of dance.
  4. Change in social attitudes to dance in the Renaissance, guilds of dance masters, first dance treatises. Types of Renaissance dances, the emergence of the dance as well as the musical suite. Dances for spectacle: balli and morisca. The origin of court ballet, its structure. Choreographic principles of the Mannerist period, personalities who influenced the development of court ballet.
  5. The form of court ballet in the first half of the 17th century (early Baroque and Louis XIII period). Dance culture in the period of Louis XIV - the peak and decline of court ballet in France. Development of stage dance in the professional theatre of the High Baroque: comédie-ballet, tragedie lyrique, opéra-ballet, ballet-pantomime, commedia dell'arte.

Learning outcomes

The students orient themselves in the history of dance of the discussed periods. They have gained a broader understanding of the cultural significance and function of dance from the earliest stages of human development to the late 16th century. The content of the final state examination is directly related to the knowledge acquired.

Prerequisites and other requirements

v přípravě


Required reading:

ARBEAU, Thoinot. Orchesography. New York: Dover Books, 1967. ISBN 9780486217451.

GARFINKEL, Yosef. Dancing at the Dawn of Agriculture, University of Texas Press, Austin, 2003 (selected chapters on-line:https://books.google.cz/books?id=50uCw0DcW_MC&printsec=frontcover&dq=inauthor:%22Yosef+Garfinkel%22&hl=cs&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj7je7hjvDdAhXQ-aQKHV6DB1oQ6AEIRTAE#v=onepage&q&f=false)

KIRSTEIN, Lincoln.Dance. A Short History of Classic Theatrical Dancing. Princeton, New Jersey 1994. ISBN 978-0871270191.

KIRSTEIN, Lincoln. Four Centuries of Ballet. Fifty Masterworks. New York: Dover Publications, 1984. ISBN 0-486-24631-0.

RAMEAU, Pierre. The Dancing Master. London: Dance Books Ltd., 1941 ISBN 978-1852730925.

WOOD, Melusine. Some Historical Dances 12th to 19th Century.London: Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing, 1952.

Recommended reading:

BRODSKÁ, Božena - VAŠUT, Vladimír. Svět tance a baletu. Praha: AMU 2004. 80-7331-004-X.

BRODSKÁ, Božena. Vybrané kapitoly z dějin baletu, Praha: AMU 2017. ISBN 978-80-7331-106-3.

JŮZL, Miloš, a kol. Dějiny umělecké kultury, díl I. Praha: SPN, 1989. ISBN 80-04-22192-0

JŮZL, Miloš, a kol. Dějiny umělecké kultury, díl II. Praha: SPN Praha 1996. ISBN 80-04-22193-9.

KAZÁROVÁ, Helena. Ohlédnutí za vývojem klasického tance. In: Ozvěny tance, Praha: EC AMU 1998, s. 7-21. ISBN 80-85883-40-6.

KAZÁROVÁ Helena. Barokní balet ve střední Evropě, AMU 2008. ISBN 978-80-7331-130-8.

Kolektiv (ed. Gremlicová, D.). Tanec a společnost. Praha: AMU 2009. ISBN 978-80-7331-162-9.

KRÖSCHLOVÁ, Eva, Pavel JURKOVIČ a Jan ROKYTA. Dobové tance 16. až 19. století: skupinové formy ; odborná příručka pro učitele tanečních oborů lidových škol umění. Praha: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1981. Odborná literatura pro veřejnost.

LEXOVÁ, Irena. O staroegyptském tanci. Praha: Orientální ústav, 1930.

LÚKIANOS. O tanci. Praha: J. Remoiser, 1930.

MATOUŠOVÁ-RAJMOVÁ, Marie. Tanec v Mezopotámii. Praha: Nakladatelství AMU, c2002. ISBN 80-7331-912-8.

BRODSKÁ, Božena. Rokoko a klasicismus. In: Taneční listy 6/1999, s. 14.

BRODSKÁ, Božena. Zdivadelnění tance v renesanci a baroku. In: Taneční listy 4/1999, s. 12.

KAZÁROVÁ, Helena. Choreografie a choreograf. Styl a ornament. In: Taneční listy č. 5/2001, s. 16.

KAZÁROVÁ, Helena. Baroko plné tance. In: Taneční listy 5/1999, s.14.

KAZÁROVÁ, Helena. Tanec při úsvitu lidského rodu. In: Taneční listy září 1998, s. 18.

KAZÁROVÁ, Helena. Tanec ve starověkých civilizacích I. In: Taneční listy říjen 1998, s. 18.

KAZÁROVÁ, Helena. Tanec ve starověkých civilizacích II. In: Taneční listy listopad 1998. s. 18.

KAZÁROVÁ, Helena. Tanec v antickém světě I. In: Taneční listy prosinec 1998, s. 18.

KAZÁROVÁ, Helena. Tanec v antickém světě II. In: Taneční listy leden 1999, s. 18.

KAZÁROVÁ, Helena. Tanec ve středověké Evropě. Taneční listy, únor 1999, s.18.

KAZÁROVÁ, Helena. Taneční svět renesance. In: Taneční listy březen 1999, s. 14.

MATOUŠOVÁ-RAJMOVÁ, Marie. Magie a tanec v Mezopotámii. In: Taneční listy 9/2002, s. 16.

ZÍBRT, Čeněk. Jak se kdy v Čechách tancovalo: dějiny tance v Čechách, na Moravě, ve Slezsku a na Slovensku z věků nejstarších až do nové doby se zvláštním zřetelem k dějinám tance vůbec. Praha: 1960. Dostupné v pdf. Na: http://www.folklornet.cz/dokumenty/zibrt.pdf

E-learning: https://moodle.amu.cz/course/view.php?id=314

Evaluation methods and criteria

passing interim tests

Other requirements: 80% attendance, active participation in lectures and seminars

Further information

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