Simplified study plan Drama in Education

Department of Drama in Education

Study programme: Drama in Education

Study type: Continuing Master's Programme

Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | simplified

1st year

Winter semester

Summer semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
205DSVP1 Children with Special Educational Needs and Drama Education 1 Z 2
205DSEM2 Diploma Seminar 2 Z 3
205SDPR1 Group Theatre Project 1 ZK 4
205LIDV2 Literature in the Context of Drama Education 2 ZK 3
205METV2 Methodology of Art Research 2 ZK 3
205PSDD Psychosomatic workshop Z 1
205ODKP Subject Didactics in the Context of Contemporary Pedagogical Discourse ZK 2
205MYSD1 Theatrical Thinking 1 Z 2
205THDV2 Theory and History of Drama Education and Theatre for Children 2 ZK 3
Required courses credits 23
Required courses (to be passed in any semester of studies)
Code Name Completion Credits
205INSP Staging with a Selected Group Z 4
205PREU Theatre Festival Z 2
Credits are taken into account in semester in which the course was accomplished
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Compulsory Optional Subjects
It is possible to pass the course in any semester of studies


Suggested number of credits achieved from electives 7
Total number of credits per grade 60

2nd year

Winter semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
205AUPP1 Autorial Art-pedagogical Project 1 Z 3
205DSVP2 Children with Special Educational Needs and Drama Education 2 Z 1
205KNDP1 Diploma Thesis Consultation 1 Z 2
702DAOU3 English for Students of Theatre 3 ZK 3
205SDPR2 Group Theatre Project 2 ZK 4
205OBOR1 Subject Didactics - Examples of Good Practice 1 Z 2
205DIVL Theatre Learning Z 2
205MYSD2 Theatrical Thinking 2 ZK 3
Required courses credits 20
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Compulsory Optional Subjects

Summer semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
205AUPP2 Autorial Art-pedagogical Project 2 ZK 6
205VNPB Developmental Neuropsychobiology Z 1
205KNDP2 Diploma Thesis Consultation 2 Z 3
702DAOU4 English for Students of Theatre 4 ZK 3
205PSTU Psychological Questions of Creativity and Art Z 1
205OBOR2 Subject Didactics - Examples of Good Practice 2 ZK 3
Required courses credits 17
Required courses (to be passed in any semester of studies)
Code Name Completion Credits
205INSP Staging with a Selected Group Z 4
205PREU Theatre Festival Z 2
Credits are taken into account in semester in which the course was accomplished
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Compulsory Optional Subjects
It is possible to pass the course in any semester of studies


Suggested number of credits achieved from electives 23
Total number of credits per grade 60