History of Directing 2
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction |
204DRE2 | ZK | 2 | 2/T | Czech |
- Tutor:
- Synopsis:
The origins of directing in the modern sense of the word, the origins of repertory and ensemble theatre. Period of the first and second theatre reform, again with special emphasis on alternative tendencies in theatre art and on the development of puppet theatre alongside its growing professionalisation.
- Prerequisites:
1. Creative ability.
2. Ability to analyse and synthesise.
3. Ability to compare and generalise.
4. Ability to visualise.
5. General knowledge of international drama.
6. General knowledge of international art history.
7. General knowledge of theatre history.
8. General knowledge of the history of fine art.
9. General knowledge of dramatic creation.
10. General knowledge of psychology.
- Study Objectives:
1. Appreciating the specific qualities of directorial work.
2. Understanding direction as an artistic pursuit.
3. Time-space imagination as a part of directorial talent.
4. The actor as partner to the director.
5. The director as part of a team.
6. Attaining a basic historical command of the trends in directing work.
- Outline and Syllabus:
1. Changes in understanding the function of direction accentuating the principles of alternative and puppet theatre.
2. The beginning of repertoire and ensemble theatre as an impulse to a new understanding of theatre direction.
3. Naturalism, realism and symbolism as inspirations for directors.
4. Theatrical avant-garde and the Second Theatre Reform.
5. Current trends in direction.
6. The question of theatre space.
7. The question of acting, its methodology and techniques.
8. Ritual and anthropological theatre.
9. The topic of contemporary world puppetry.
10. Creative application of historic impulses in personal creative work and developing your own talent and individuality.
The purpose of this subject is not to cram students with dates, names and terms but for them to acquire knowledge which will not only guide them through the subject but will serve as an inspiration for future artistic work. For these reasons, the subject is not conceived as a summary of knowledge on directing as such but chiefly on directorial trends and directors with a close relationship and contact to alternative theatre. This explains the emphasis, for example, on Classical theatre, Romanticism, Symbolism and both theatre reforms of the 20th century, as well as non-European theatre sources. In this respect the question of theatre space and of acting is especially relevant and becomes an appropriate platform for clarifying the student?s own individuality in future artistic work. This is supported by an interest in other theatre forms such as the puppet, mask and last but not least the concept of ritual, which is still much used today.
- Study materials:
G.H. Brockett: Dějiny divadla
Jan Hyvnar: Herec v moderním divadle
Petr Scherhaufer: Čítanka z dějin divadelní režie
Kalendárium z dějin divadelní režie
Paul Pörtner: Experimentální divadlo
A.I.Tairov: Odpoutané divadlo
Karel Martínek: Mejerchold
Michail Čechov: O herecké technice
K.S.Stanislavskij: Můj život v umění
Heinrich Braulich: Max Reinhardt
Peter Brook: Pohyblivý bod
Prázdný prostor
Nitky času
Miloslav Klíma: Jan Grossman
Kazimierz Braun: Druhá divadelní reforma
Jan Kopecký: Antoin Artaud
Louis Jouvet: Nepřevtělený herec
Jean Vilar: Tajemství divadla
S.M.Ejzenštejn: Kamerou, tužkou a perem
Zdeněk Hedbávný:Alfréd Radok
Divadlo Větrník
- Note:
- Schedule for winter semester 2008/2009:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- Schedule for summer semester 2008/2009:
Mon Tue Fri Thu Fri - The subject is a part of the following study plans:
- Doporučený magisterský scénografie ALD (optional subject)
- Doporučený bakalářský režie a dramaturgie ALD (subject determining qualification)
- Doporučený bakalářský scénografie ALD (optional subject)