Translating Seminar 2
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction |
207PKP2 | Z | 1 | 2/T | Czech |
- Tutor:
- Synopsis:
Translation seminar 2 follows up directly on Translation Seminar 1. In view of the expected improvement of language knowledge through the required study of foreign languages, the seminar covers practical translating activity accompanied by collective analysis and critical reflection.
- Prerequisites:
- participation in the seminar (2 absences per semester are tolerated)
- continuous preparation of translations of assigned texts
- final term paper: translation of an entire text (e.g. one-act play) or integrated excerpt (one act, tableaux etc.)
- Study Objectives:
The goal of the seminar is both to continue with discussion of theoretical problems of translating, especially in relation to contemporary production practice, and to create one's own translation of a chosen play or of a coherent part of one. In doing so, the student is led to seek not the originally intended effect, but rather a theatrically effective and stylistically coherent translated solution.
- Outline and Syllabus:
The concrete content of the seminar depends on the language skills of the students. Work in the seminar can take place in two possible ways:
1. The students work together on translating one text, and during the seminars they deal with questions connected with understanding the original and translated versions.
2. Each student works on his/her own individual translation, and during the seminar he/she familiarizes the other students with the specific problems faced while working on it and defends the chosen solution.
- Study materials:
Texts for translation are selected based on students' language skill (see the curriculum).
Basic literature:
Jiří Levý, Umění překladu, (1963), Ivo Železný, Praha, 1998.
Jiří Levý, České teorie překladu, (1957), Ivo Železný, Praha, 1996,
I. Vývoj překladatelských teorií a metod v české literatuře,
II. Sborník zásadních studií o překladu.
Olga Krijtová, Pozvání k překladatelské praxi (Kapitoly o překládání beletrie), FF-UK, Praha, 1996.
Zlata Kufnerová, Milena Poláčková (ed.) a kol., Překládání a čeština, H+H, Jinočany, 1994.
Georges Mounin, Teoretické problémy překladu, Karolinum - nakladatelství UK, Praha, 1992.
Jan Vilikovský, Překlad jako tvorba, Ivo Železný, Praha, 2002.
Blahoslav Hečko, Dobrodružství překladu, Ivo Železný, Praha, 2000.
Milan Hrdlička, Literární překlad a komunikace, Nakladatelství ISV, Praha, 2003.
Milan Hrala (editor), Kapitoly z dějin českého překladu, Nakladatelství Karolinum, Praha, 2002.
As needed, the instructor may recommend other Czech or foreign literature or specific translations for inspiration.
- Note:
- Schedule for winter semester 2008/2009:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- Schedule for summer semester 2008/2009:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- The subject is a part of the following study plans:
- Doporučený bakalářský režie a dramaturgie ČD (compulsory subject)