History of Music and Theatre 4

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction
204DHD4 ZK 1 2/T Czech

French Baroque opera - court ballet, Lully, Rameau; Johann Sebastian Bach,

Georg Friedrich Händel, origins of the symphony - Mannheim school, Joseph Haydn, W. A.

Mozart and his operas, Johann Wolfgang Goethe and Ludwig van Beethoven, Romanticism, the origin of the symphonic poem and program music (F. Liszt, H. Berlioz), the inspiration of Schiller and Shakespeare in the operas of Giuseppe Verdi, Mocná hrstka, Richard Wagner and his Gesamtkunstwerk.


knowledge of general history of mankind and history of art

knowledge of Czech and world literature, history of theatre

overview of important Czech composers and their works

knowledge of basic musical terms in music studies

auditory pre-requisites - ability to sing a performed/set/ tone, determining intervals by ear alone/played both consecutively and at the same time/ knowledge of notes

simple musical dictation

basics of musical harmony and counterpoint

developed musical memory and rhythm, ability to distinguish metre, noting rhythmic values.

ability to distinguish between musical styles

knowledge of musical terminology / legato, staccato etc.

knowledge of musical instruments

Study Objectives:

1. Familiarising students of directing and dramaturgy with the basic stages and transformations in musical styles

2. Gaining a historical perspective on the history of music in connection with social transformations and political events from certain epochs.

3. Ability to distinguish individual changes in style by listening to examples of different types of music

4. Acquiring the ability to correctly choose stage music from the historical perspective of the theatre play, or period in which the dramatic events take place

5. Developing experience in listening to music from the perspective of the director and dramaturg.

Outline and Syllabus:


French Baroque Opera - Court ballet, Lully, Rameau; Johann Sebastian Bach, Georg Friedrich Händel, emergence of the symphony ? Mannheim School, Joseph Haydn, W.A. Mozart and his opera works, Johann Wolfgana Goethe and Ludwig van Beethoven, Romantism, emergence of the symphonic poem and program music / F. Liszt, H. Berlioz/, Schiller's and Shakespeare's inspiration in the opera works of Giuseppe Verdi, The Mighty Five, Richard Wagner and his Gesamtkunstwerk

The development of Czech Music, Czech Music Emigration in the 17th and 18th centuries, the struggle over Czech theatre, the primiere of Škroupova Dráteníka. Smetana's efforts in the emergence of a national opera, The National Theatre generation, Czech specifics of theatrical melodrama. Antonín Dvořák and his contribution to the development of symphonism, Leoš Janáček, the founder of the modern musical drama, Bohuslav Martinů - the conjunction of the national style and cosmopolitanism, the 20th century interwar generation, the contribution to musical works of Jaroslav Ježek and E.F. Burian, the post-war generation of Czech composers

A complete overview of music of the 20th century, Music of the Seccession and its continuers R. Wagner, Gustav Mahler, Richard Strauss and Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Impressionism - Claude Debussy and Maurice Maeterlinck, Maurice Ravel, Verism, the Folklorism of L. Janáček and Bela Bartók, the century of scandal - The Rite of Spring/Diagilev's Russian Ballet/, the neo-classicism of Igor Stravinsky, The Second Viennese School - A. Schönberg and his students, The Paris Six, Degenerate Art and Paul Hindemith, Shostakovich and Soviet Music in the battle against Stalinism., Czech Music of the 20th century, the post-war composing schools - Darmstadt, The Polish School, Olivier Messiaen, Pierre Boulez, American Music.

Study materials:

Jaroslav Smolka et al: Dějiny hudby, Brno 2001 [History of Music]

Oscar G. Brockett: History of Theatre

Gracian Černušák: History of European Music

John Warrack-Ewan West: Oxfordský slovník opery, Prague 1998 [Oxford Dictionary of Music]

Anna Hostomská: Opera- průvodce operní tvorbou, Prague 1999 [Opera - a guide to operatic creation]

Brigitte Regler-Bellinger, Wolfgang Schenck: Opera- Velká encyklopedie, Prague

1996 [Opera - Large Encyclopedia]

Jaroslav Smolka et al: Malá encyklopedie hudby, Prague 1983 [Small Encyclopedia of Music]

Otakar Jeremiáš: Praktické pokyny k instrumentaci symfonického orchestru, Prague

1959 [Practical instructions on symphony orchestra instrumentation]

Antonín Modr: Hudební nástroje, Prague 1982 [Musical Instruments]

František Muží: Úvod do kritiky hudebního zápisu, Prague 1961

Jaroslav Kofroň: Učebnice harmonie, Prague 1961

Karel Janeček: Základy moderní harmonie, Prague 1965 [Bases of Modern Harmony]

Jaroslav Volek: Kapitoly z dějin estetiky. Od antiky k počátku XX. Století,

Prague 1969 [Chapters from the history of aesthetics. From antiquity to the beginning of the 20th century]

Eduard Hanslick: O hudební krásnu. Příspěvek k revizi hudební estetiky, Prague

1973 [On musical beauty. A contribution to a review of musical aesthetics]

Winfried Zillig:Variace na novou hudbu, Praha 1971 [Variations on new music]

Friedrich Herzfeld: Musica nova, Prague 1966 [New Music]

Wolfgang Hildesheimer: Mozart, Bratislava 1989

Dorothea Leonhartová: Mozart, zamlčená tvář, Praha 2005

Václav Holzknecht: Bedřich Smetana, Prague 1984

Jan Wenig: Byli v Praze, Prague 1980 [They were in Prague]

The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, vol. 1-20 London 1995

The New Grove Dictionary of Opera, vol. 1-4, London 1998

Further information:
This course is an elective for all students of this school
Schedule for winter semester 2009/2010:
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Schedule for summer semester 2009/2010:
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