Salon of Projects 1
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction |
204SP1 | Z | 1 | Czech |
- Tutor:
- Zdeněk TICHÝ
- Synopsis:
To get students of all fields of study interested in their own production ideas and visions. These are then presented by the student (creator of the project) to other students in a way that should convince them to get involved in its subsequent creation. A production team can then be put together and the project?s future realisation prepared.
- Prerequisites:
1. Artistic invention.
2. Talent for team cooperation.
3. Ability to guide a project from the initial idea to its realisation.
- Study Objectives:
1) Through the Salon-Market to initiate cooperation between students from various fields of study, or class-years.
2) Create a space where students can create (over and above the basic study plan) other personal projects in the KALD spirit.
3) Build platforms where students practise preparing their own projects from the initial idea, through the formation of a creative team, to its complete realisation.
4) Develop students? abilities to present themselves and their work (or the quality of their artistic teams) in a convincing way.
- Outline and Syllabus:
1) Analysis and reflection on the results of the previous Salon-Market class-years.
2) Announcement of a competition for project proposals, first phase of preparing projects and their subsequent public presentation in the Salon of projects.
3) The public presentation directly follows the first phase of creating or supplemting the creative teams and finishing projects.
The Salon of projects initiates cooperation between students from various fields of study, or class-years. It is thus another step towards students being able to create precise projects in the KALD spirit- i.e. projects which will in their final form be handled so comprehensively that they can speak for themselve clearly and distinctly. Students should thus learn to present projects so that, in addition to clear formulations of the interpretation of the relevant text version, they also state the production concept in its most concrete form, including set design or musical and other solutions as a result of the whole production team?s joint work. They should also be able in a convincing way to present themselves and their work, or the quality of their artistic teams.
- Study materials:
Jan Dvořák: Creative management for the theatre
Jan Jirák, Barbara Köpplová: Media and society - Brief introduction to the media and media communication
- Note:
- Schedule for winter semester 2009/2010:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- Schedule for summer semester 2009/2010:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- The subject is a part of the following study plans:
- Doporučený bakalářský produkce (optional subject)
- Doporučený bakalářský režie a dramaturgie ČD (optional subject)
- Doporučený magisterský dramaturgie ČD (optional subject)
- Doporučený magisterský dramaturgie ALD (optional subject)
- Doporučený magisterský režie ALD (optional subject)
- Doporučený magisterský scénografie ALD (optional subject)
- Doporučený bakalářský scénografie (optional subject)
- Doporučený magisterský scénografie - kostým a maska (optional subject)
- Doporučený bakalářský teorie a kritika (optional subject)
- Doporučený magisterský teorie a kritika (optional subject)
- Doporučený magisterský herectví ČD (optional subject)
- Doporučený magisterský režie ČD (optional subject)
- Doporučený magisterský herectví ATP (optional subject)
- Doporučený magisterský scénografie - film a televize (optional subject)
- Doporučený magisterský scénografie (optional subject)
- Doporučený magisterský herectví ALD (optional subject)
- Doporučený bakalářský režie a dramaturgie ALD (optional subject)
- Doporučený bakalářský scénografie ALD (optional subject)
- Doporučený bakalářský dramatická výchova - komb. (optional subject)
- Doporučený magisterský dramatická výchova (optional subject)
- Doporučený magisterský dramatická výchova - dvouleté komb. (optional subject)
- Doporučený magisterský produkce (optional subject)
- Doporučený bakalářský herectví ATP (optional subject)
- Doporučený magisterský dramatická výchova - tříleté komb. (optional subject)
- Doporučený magisterský scénografie v anglickém jazyce (optional subject)