Introduction to Dramaturgy 2

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205ZDT2 ZK 2 28/S Czech

The two-semester obligatory subject focuses on clarifying the basic concepts of drama theory and understanding the methods by which a dramatic work can be conceived and what forms the basis of its dramatic effect. It also looks at how individual elements and procedures are reflected in children's theatre. Lectures are linked to practical activities.


Orientation in literary theory at least one level of middle school study, active interest in dramatic literature and theatre

Study Objectives:

Learn how to use instruments which offer theories of drama for analysis and interpretation of a dramatic text and on this basis to be able to select a suitable text (both with regard to its dramatic and theatrical qualities and its suitability for the specific group), to explain and create your own dramaturgic directorial concept for its stage realisation. To be able to apply the acquired knowledge and experience in a creative manner for the needs of theatre played by children.

Outline and Syllabus:


- Dramaturgy as a function of theatre

- Drama and Dramatics

- Situations, dramatic situations, stage situations

- Dramatic conflict

- Dramatic events and plots

- Dramatic figures and stage characters

- Drama genres

- Dramaturgical analysis

- Epic drama and theatre

- Further tendencies of modern drama

- Writer's theatre



- Dramaturgy as a function of theatre: origin and development; phases of dramaturgy practice in childrens theatre.

- Drama and Dramatics: drama as a fundamental type of literature, genre, text components of staging; dramatic criteria.

- Situations, dramatic situations, stage situations: situation components; two concepts of dramatic situations; hierarchy and value differentiations of situations; stage situations.

- Dramatic conflict: Fundamental classification of conflicts from the psychological and dramatic viewpoints; direct and indirect conflicts; clashes

- Dramatic events and plots: Analytical drama, entanglements, building of dramatic events.

- Dramatic figures and stage characters: dramatic figures, types, characters; stage figures, characters.

- Drama genres: tragedy, comedy, drama, genre syncretism

- Dramaturgical analysis: time, space, figures, event and types of its organization, dramatic situations and conflict, theme, poetics

- Epic drama and theatre: Episodic manner of plots; Bertold Brecht and his epic theatre program; epicness in children's theatre.

- Further tendencies of modern drama: Layout of dramatic plots and Cechov; assembly principles; influence of those procedures on childrens theatre.

- Authorial theatre: Interpretive v. Authorial; Concept of Authorial theatre; change of situation of a literary text in theatre staging; open/irregular dramaturgy; genesis of staging; Children's theatre as Authorial theatre.

Study materials:


Poetika, přel. Julie Nováková (Praha: Orbis, 1962 - 5. vyd.)


1990 Vývoj divadelního jazyka (České Budějovice: KKS)

1999 Základy dramaturgie. I. Situace (Praha: DAMU)

2002 Základy dramaturgie. II. Dramatická postava (Praha: DAMU)


1873 Technik des Dramas, přel. Jaroslav Žert, Technika dramatu (Praha: Ústav pro učebné pomůcky průmyslových a odborných škol, ed. Knihovna divadelního prostoru, sv. 6, řada C, 1944)


1980 Úvod do praktické dramaturgie (Praha: ÚKVČ)

1991 Drama, divadlo, divák (Brno: JAMU)

1992 Kniha o komedii (Praha: Scéna)

1995 Cesty moderního dramatu (Praha: Studio Y)

1998 Divadlo mezi modernou a postmodernou (Praha: Studio Y)


1999 ?Dramaturgie a dramatika v divadle hraném dětmi?, Tvořivá dramatika X, č. 1

KERR, Walter

1955 How not to write a play (New York: Simon and Schuster); přel. Milan Lukeš, Jak nepsat hru (Praha: Orbis, 1962)


1981 Autorské divadlo 70. let (Praha: ÚKVČ)

1985 Od tématu ke scénáři (Brno: MKS)

1991 ?Znaky autorského divadla? in Divadelní studie (Brno: JAMU)

KRAUS, Karel

2000 Divadlo ve službách dramatu (Praha: Divadelní ústav)

LUKEŠ, Milan

1986 Umění dramatu (Praha: Melantrich)


1990 O sani s mnoha hlavami. Dramaturgie a dramatika dětského divadla (Praha: PKS)

PAVIS, Patrice

1996 Dictionnaire du Théâtre; přel. Daniela Jobertová, Divadelní slovník (Slovník divadelních pojmů) (Praha: Divadelní ústav, 2003)

PAVLOVSKÝ, Petr a kol.

2004 Základní pojmy divadla. Teatrologický slovník (Praha: Libri)


2003 Praktická dramaturgie v kostce (Praha: DDD)


1956 Theorie des modernen Dramas 1880-1950; prel. Ernest Marko, Teória modernej drámy (Bratislava: Tatran, 1969)


1993 Mýtus divadla pro děti (Praha: ARTAMA)

VŠETIČKA, František

1997 Stavba dramatu (Olomouc: UP)

ZICH, Otakar

1987 Estetika dramatického umění. Teoretická dramaturgie (Praha, Panorama - 2. vyd.)

Schedule for winter semester 2009/2010:
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Schedule for summer semester 2009/2010:
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