Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction |
373SFS | ZK | 2 | 4/T | Czech |
- Tutor:
- David ČENĚK
- Synopsis:
Spanish film experienced its first fruitful period in the period of the dictatorship from 1950-1973. The lecture will focus on the period context, film market and corresponding legislation. More attention will be given to some key works. The students will be introduced to commercial production of that period. This will not be an isolated presentation on the creation of a few of the most significant works but rather will focus on neo-realist tendencies in the works of Bardem and Berlanga, the new wave - so-called Escuela de Barcelona and society critique works. The second part of the semester will be dedicated to the period of transition to democracy and the first authorial wave of the 1990's.
- Prerequisites:
- Study Objectives:
- Outline and Syllabus:
Credit Requirements"
- an analysis of one or more of the required films (THE LIST IS A PART OF THIS SYLLABUS)
- discussion with the students on one of the following topics:
/the film and topics are drawn in lots by the students/
Lecture topics:
1. The post-war situation of the film industry and autocratic influences (control and censure mechanisms)
2. Bardem-Berlanga and conversations of Salamanca, film dissidents
3. Garcia Escudero and new Spanish film
4. „The New Wave“ - Le Escuela de Barcelona
5. Marginalized productions, commercial productions, the collapse of the economic experiement
6. The change in the system and the subsequent influences on cinematography, the attempt at a „third way“, the ascent of the trend: film of the extreme right
7. Aesthetic tendencies of Spanish film in transition to democracy period 1973-1982
8. Changes in Cinema (1982-1992): the MIro law, Jorge Semprun, influences of the free market on production layout, new styles and new writers, origin of autonomic cinema
9. The 1990s boom: the entrance of TV into film production, new film policies, Pedro Amodovar and his progeny, genre productions, authorial film (A. Amenabar, I. Bollain, I. Coixet, J. Fesser, Ch Gutierrez, A. de la Iglesia, F. Leon De Aranoa, J. Medem, G. Querejeta, D. Trueba, Jose L. Guerin and others)
Required films - Attention: Some films will only be shown at PONREPO:
1. Welcome, Mr Marshalle!, 1952, r. Luis G. Berlanga (3. 3. 17h30 Ponrepo)
2. Death of a Cyclist, 1955, r. Juan A. Bardem
3. The Main Street, 1956, r. Juan A. Bardem (12.3. 20h00 Ponrepo)
4. El Pisito, 1958, Marco Ferreri (7. 4. 17h30 Ponrepo)
5. Not on Your Life, 1963 (1964), r. Luis G. Berlanga (10. 3. 17h30 Ponrepo)
6. Fata Morgana/Left-handed Fate, 1965, r. Vicente Aranda (12. 5. 17h30 Ponrepo)
7. El momento de la verdad/Moment of Truth, 1965, r. Francesco Rosi
8. Dante is not only Rigorous, 1967, r. Jacinto Esteva a Joaquín Jordá
9. Nine Letters to Bertha, 1965-67, r. Basilio Martín Patino (24. 3. 17h30 Ponrepo)
10. The Spirit of the Beehive, 1973, r. Víctor Erice
11. The New Spaniards, 1974, r. Roberto Bodegas (28.4. 17h30 Ponrepo)
12. The Old House in the Middle of Madrid, 1976, r. Carlos Saura
13. Weekend, 1976, r. Juan Antonio Bardem (17. 3. 17h30 Ponrepo)
14. The Days of the Pasti, 1977, r. Mario Camus (14. 4. 17h30 Ponrepo)
15. Bilbao, 1978, r. Bigas Luna
16. Beehive, 1982, r. Mario Camus (5. 5. 17h30 Ponrepo)
17. The Holy Innocents, 1984, r. Mario Camus (21. 4. 17h30 Ponrepo)
18. Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, 1988, r. Pedro Almodóvar (2. 3. 20h00 Ponrepo)
19. Innisfree, 1990, r. José Luis Guerín
20. Thesis, 1995, r. Alejandro Amenábar
21. The Day of the Beast, 1995, Álex de la Iglesia
22. The Lovers of the Arctic Circle, 1998, r. Julio Medem
23. The Hours of the Day, 2003, r. Jaime Rosales + krátkometrážní tvorba z 90. let
- Study materials:
Selection of Recommended Literature:
- (a small amount may be found in Bordwell)
- Body of work: SPANISH CINEMA 1896-1983, Ministerio de Cultura, 1986 (in English, an overview of the history of Spanish cinematography up to 1983) - 2 copies are in the department library.
- SPANISH FILM - a collection of texts published for the IX Seminar of Archive Film in Uherske Hradiste. (published in 2007 and includes an overview of Spanish film to the present and as well short texts of a number of significant films; one copy has been made available at the department library)
The best source of information is, of course, in Spanish. Here are a few handbooks on which the lectures are based:
- Body of work: HISTORIA DEL CINE ESPANOL, Cátedra, 1997.
(An exhaustive history of Spanice cinema reviewed aesthetically, politically, socially and in economics + rich and exhaustive bibliography)
J.M. Caparrós Lera, Historia crítica del cine espanol (Desde 1897 hasta hoy), Ariel Historia, 1999.
(Socio-economic view of the history of Spanish Film in Spain used as a script)
- Javier Hernándet Ruiz, Pablo Pérez Rubio: Voces en la niebla - El cine durante la transición espanola (1973-1982), Paidós, 2004.
(An excellent study devoted to only the period of the transition to democracy. In the bibliography are also internet and English sources)
Two essential handbooks on the topic, ESCUELA DE BARCELONA:
- Esteve Riambau, Casimiro Torreiro: La Escuela de Barcelona: el cine de la „gauche divine“, Anagrama, 1999.
- Jean-Paul Aubert: L´ Ecole de Barcelone - Un cinéma d´avant-garde en Espagne sous le franquisme, L´Harmattan, 2009.
The Czech literature is altogether not really appropriate for the given period. Read carefully and don't accept all the ideas without reservation.
- Ljubomír Oliva: Juan Antonio Bardem, ČSFÚ, 1983.
(read only this edition, this is a compilation providing a chronological overview)
- Petra Hanáková, Viktória Matáková: Pedro Almodóvar, SFÚ, 2005.
( in the introduction to the historical section are mistakes and inaccuracies. the interpretive section is inspiring)
- Eva Hrozková: Carlos Saura, ČSFÚ, 1985.
(in consideration of the period possibilities a valuable monography)
- Jiří Cieslar: Luis Bunuel, ČSFÚ, 1987.
(Underestimated in its analytical section, with small inaccuracies in the historical section and in list of films)
- sborník JULIO MEDEM, AČFK, 2008.
(there is a conversation and original text by the director for each film; the brochure is also in the department library)
- Note:
- Schedule for winter semester 2009/2010:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- Schedule for summer semester 2009/2010:
Mon Tue Fri Thu Fri - The subject is a part of the following study plans:
- Animovaná tvorba - bakalář (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Dokumentární tvorba - magistr (optional subject)
- Dokumentární tvorba - bakalář (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Animovaná tvorba - magistr (optional subject)
- Scenáristika a dramaturgie - bakalář (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Scenáristika a dramaturgie - magistr (optional subject)
- Režie - bakalář (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Režie - magistr (optional subject)
- Kamera - bakalář (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Kamera - magistr (optional subject)
- Produkce - bakalář (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Produkce - magistr (optional subject)
- Audiovizuální studia - bakalář (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Střihová skladba - bakalář (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Střihová skladba - magistr (optional subject)
- Zvuková tvorba - bakalář (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Zvuková tvorba - magistr (optional subject)
- Fotografie CZ - bakalář (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Fotografie CZ - magistr (optional subject)
- Audiovizuální studia - magistr (optional subject)
- Fotografie CZ - magistr: restaurování (optional subject)