Dramaturgy 6

Register Display Schedule
Course unit code:
Course unit title:
Dramaturgy 6
Mode of delivery:
Type of course unit:
compulsory subject
Level of course unit:
Year of study
3rd year
Semester when the course unit is delivered
Number of ECTS credits allocated:
Garant předmětu:
Miloslav KLÍMA
Name of lecturer(s):
Miloslav KLÍMA
Study Objectives:

1. Find and bring alive a stage existence in theatrical form using the basic precepts of dramaturgy

2. Present the theatre as a form of communication

3. Discover the possibility of a situation through the theme

4. Support the imagination, adaptation and metaphors, work with animated material

5. Discover and test the laws of composition for the stage

6. Understand the theatre as a form of self-expression

Mode of delivery:
Prerequisites and co-requisites:

1. Creative ability

2. Capacity for analysis, reflection and synthesis

3. Knowledge of Czech and world literature on drama

4. Working knowledge of literature for children and young people

5. General knowledge of Czech and world literature

6. Working knowledge of graphic/plastic and musical arts

7. Gradually deepened knowledge of the history and theory of the theatre

8. The various steps in specific study levels are connected and cannot be skipped, unless an individual study plan is prepared which closes the gaps.

Recommended optional programme components
Course contents:



1. Find and bring alive a stage existence in theatrical form using the basic precepts of dramaturgy

2. Present the theatre as a form of communication Objevovat divadlo jako komunikaci

3. Discover the possibility of a situation through the theme

4. Support the imagination, adaptation and metaphors, work with animated material

5. Discover and test the laws of composition for the stage

6. Understand the theatre as a form of self-expression



1. Find and bring alive a stage existence in theatrical form using the basic precepts of dramaturgy; theatre as a form of art; dramatic situation; characterisation-adaptation; outside-inside, the dramatic nature of the moment - the whole

2. Present the theatre as a form of communication; story; motivation; internal-external causality; characters; elements of a stage work; content of communication; articulating communication; aesthetics of communication

3. Discover the possibility of a situation through the theme as an energy which seeks its own story; the theme; personal, communicative interpretation; stylisation; the puppet; the mask; the subject; improvisation

4. Support the imagination, adaptation and metaphors, work with animated material; the theatre as image; strengths and weaknesses of metaphor; animation of material; articulation of the metaphorical image; allusion anchored in detail; detail - the whole

5. Discover and test the laws of composition for the stage; the theatre as a living building; the various forms of composition; structure; genres; compilation; montage; collage

6. Understand the theatre as a form of self-expression; authorship of the consituent parts, the link in a team between elements in constant motion and interaction

Study materials:

To be specified in the annual study plans according to the creative projects selected.

Supplemented by other literature stated in the accreditation materials of the KALD DAMU study plan posted on the KALD DAMU websites.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assessment methods and criteria
Language of instruction:
Work placement(s):
Pracovní stáž není u tohoto předmětu zavedena.
Course web page:
Schedule for winter semester 2010/2011:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2010/2011:
místnost R601
Pracovna pedagogů

(Karlova 26, Praha 1)
(paralelka 1)
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2011-6-17
Updates of the above given information can be found on