Chapters from Theory of Literature 2
- Course unit code:
- 205KLT2
- Course unit title:
- Chapters from Theory of Literature 2
- Mode of delivery:
- zápočet
- Range:
- 15/S
- Type of course unit:
- compulsory subject
- Level of course unit:
- bakalářský
- Year of study
- 1st year
- Semester when the course unit is delivered
- letní
- Number of ECTS credits allocated:
- 2
- Garant předmětu:
- Jaroslav PROVAZNÍK
- Name of lecturer(s):
- Jaroslav PROVAZNÍK
- Study Objectives:
1. Orientation in the fundamental range and issues of general literary theory and literary theory for children and youth.
2. Developed ability and skill to recognize and analyse resources and procedures at the disposition of a writer.
3. Developed ability to interpret a literary work, its structure and be able to orient oneself in all its levels.
4. Recognize the merits and potential available to a creative teacher in working with children and youths.
5. Opening a pathway to the knowledge in literary types, genres and genre variations particularly important for children and youth literature.
- Mode of delivery:
- Prerequisites and co-requisites:
1. Ability to sense various elements and merits of an creative text.
2. Systematic following of current literature, particularly creations for children.
3. Creativity
- Recommended optional programme components
- Course contents:
This course is focused on the areas of literary theory which are important for a drama education instructor. Part of the instruction is a presentation of the basic genre areas important for literature for children and youth. This course combines practical activities with lecture with an emphasis on the contextual relationship.
1. Presentation, basic concepts and relationships.
2. A literary work as a structure.
3. Language - the gate to a literary work. Language tools of a literary work. The sound and graphics aspsects of verse. Syntactic tools and issues of free verse.
4. Basic repertoire of topic tools
- Fictional worlds in literary works and their parts
- Event, story, plot, storyline
- Image and function of figures.
- Image and function of surroundings in a literary work.
- Narrator a function in a literary work. Narrative situations.
- Motifs and motive elements.
5. Story and topic in a literary work.
6. Composition. Composition principles and procedures. Dominant/Semantic gestures.
7. Aesthetic function in a literary work. Aesthetic functions and their place among other functions. Specificity of literature for children and youth.
8. Genealogy. Types and literary genres with a consideration of literature for children and youth and their changes.
- Study materials:
BRUKNER, Josef; FILIP, Jiří. Poetický slovník. Praha: Mladá fronta, 1997. 368 s. ISBN 80-204-0650-6.
HAMAN, Aleš. Úvod do studia literatury a interpretace díla. Praha: H & H, 1999. 180 s. ISBN 80-86022-57-9 .
HRABÁK, Josef. Úvod do teorie verše. 4., rozš. vyd. Praha: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1970. 260 s.
CHALOUPKA, Otakar; NEZKUSIL, Vladimír. Vybrané kapitoly z teorie dětské literatury I. Praha: Albatros, 1973. 116 s.
--. 1976. Vybrané kapitoly z teorie dětské literatury II. Praha: Albatros. 132 s.
--. 1979. Vybrané kapitoly z teorie dětské literatury III. Praha: Albatros. 152 s.
NEZKUSIL, Vladimír. Nástin didaktiky literární výchovy (čtyřletá gymnázia a vyšší třídy víceletých gymnázií) : z praxe pro praxi. Praha : UK-PedF, 2004. 168 s. ISBN 80-7290-160-5.
NÜNNING, Ansgar (ed.). Lexikon teorie literatury a kultury: koncepce, osobnosti, základní pojmy. Přel. Aleš Urválek a Zuzana Adamová. Brno: Host, 2006. 912 s. Přel. z: Metzler Lexikon Liteatur- und Kulturtheorie. Ansätze - Personen - Grundbegriffe [2001]. ISBN 80-7294-170-4.
PROPP, Vladimir Jakovlevič. Morfologie pohádky a jiné studie. Přel. Miroslav Červenka, Marcela Pittermannová a Hana Šmahelová. Praha: H & H, 1999. 364 s. ISBN 80-86022-16-1.
RIMMON-KENAN(OVÁ), Shlomith. Poetika vyprávění. Přel. Vanda Pickettová. Brno: Host, 2001. 174 s. Přel. z: Narrative Fiction: Contemporary Poetics [1983] . ISBN 80-7294-004-X.
ŠMAHELOVÁ, Hana. Návraty a proměny: Literární adaptace lidových pohádek. 2., upr. vyd. Praha: Albatros, 1989. 240 s.
URBANOVÁ, Svatava. Meandry a metamorfózy dětské literatury. Olomouc: Votobia, 2003. 368 s. ISBN 80-7198-548-1
VODIČKA, Felix aj. Svět literatury I. Praha : SPN, 1967. 224 s.
WELLEK, René; WARREN, Austin. Teorie literatury. Přel. Miloš Calda. Olomouc: Votobia, 1996. 560 s. Přel. z: Theory of Literature. ISBN 80-7198-150-8.
- Planned learning activities and teaching methods
- Assessment methods and criteria
- Language of instruction:
- Czech
- Work placement(s):
- Pracovní stáž není u tohoto předmětu zavedena.
- Course web page:
- Note:
- Schedule for winter semester 2010/2011:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- Schedule for summer semester 2010/2011:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- The subject is a part of the following study plans:
- Dramatická výchova - kombinované (Bc.) (compulsory subject)