Economics 1 - Microeconomics

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Course unit code:
Course unit title:
Economics 1 - Microeconomics
Mode of delivery:
Type of course unit:
Study plan Animovaná tvorba - bakalář – optional subject
Study plan Dokumentární tvorba - magistr – optional subject
Study plan Dokumentární tvorba - bakalář – optional subject
Study plan Animovaná tvorba - magistr – optional subject
Study plan Scenáristika a dramaturgie - bakalář – optional subject
Study plan Scenáristika a dramaturgie - magistr – optional subject
Study plan Režie - bakalář – optional subject
Study plan Režie - magistr – optional subject
Study plan Kamera - bakalář – optional subject
Study plan Kamera - magistr – optional subject
Study plan Produkce - bakalář – compulsory subject
Study plan Produkce - magistr – optional subject
Study plan Audiovizuální studia - bakalář – optional subject
Study plan Střihová skladba - bakalář – optional subject
Study plan Střihová skladba - magistr – optional subject
Study plan Zvuková tvorba - bakalář – optional subject
Study plan Zvuková tvorba - magistr – optional subject
Study plan Fotografie CZ - bakalář – optional subject
Study plan Fotografie CZ - magistr – optional subject
Study plan Audiovizuální studia - magistr – optional subject
Study plan Fotografie CZ - magistr: restaurování – optional subject
Level of course unit:
Year of study
Study plan Produkce - bakalář – 2nd year
Semester when the course unit is delivered
Number of ECTS credits allocated:
Garant předmětu:
Name of lecturer(s):
Study Objectives:

Introduction to the basic principles of supply and demand, microeconomic factors which form the market environment. An emphasis is placed on application in the areas of culture and the media.

Mode of delivery:

Classic lectures, moderated dialogues and analyses of current media material.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

General knowledge of economics at the pre-college level.

Recommended optional programme components

No prerequisites.

Course contents:

Microeconomics is set-out as the science covering individual market subjects, primarily consumers and companies, state investment is not excluded.

1) Concept of the market, market supply and demand. Factors which change supply and demand. Balance between supply and demand, price equilibrium.

2) Price elasticity in supply and demand. Reaction to price changes. Examples from the cultural sphere.

3) The viewpoint of the consumer - concept of utility, various layers of utility. Causes leading to the use of particular products and services. Complete and limited utility. Laws influencing the choice limit of supply in the market. Income and substitution effets.

4) The viewpoint of a company - concept of investment, profit, production functions. What leads a company to the choice of a particular type of merchandise and process of its creation. What principles are in effect here?

5) State interventions into econimics, their sense - effectivity, justification and stability. Smith and Keynes and their theory. Modern practice.

6) Maximum and minimum prices, their sense. Influence on supply and demand in the long and short term. Issues which arise and methods of how to resolve them.

7) Developed competition, Oligopolies, monopolies and their impact on the market. Anti-monopoly legislation and regulation.

Study materials:

Samuelsson,Paul Ekonomie (Grada, any edition)

Frank, Robert, H a BernankeBen S. : Ekonomie, Grada 2003

Časopisy Marketing & Media, Strategie

Any mimeographs from VŠE or other Economics departments in microeconomics

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Lectures, moderated discussion and analyses of current media texts.

Assessment methods and criteria

Credit is awarded based on interest in the subject and understanding of the basic principles of macroeconomics which students demonstrate in two ways:

joining in discussions during lectures (30%)

Oral exam (70%)

An ability to analyse supply and demand graphs and related events is required.

Language of instruction:
Work placement(s):
Pracovní stáž není u tohoto předmětu zavedena.
Course web page:;;; plus mnohé další
Further information:
This course is an elective for all AMU students
Schedule for winter semester 2010/2011:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2010/2011:
místnost 330
Učebna KP

(Lažanský palác)
(přednášková par. 1)
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2011-6-17
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