Atelier - Specific Photography Studios 7
- Course unit code:
- 307ATF7
- Course unit title:
- Atelier - Specific Photography Studios 7
- Mode of delivery:
- zápočet
- Range:
- 26/S
- Type of course unit:
- compulsory subject
- Level of course unit:
- Year of study
- 2nd year
- Semester when the course unit is delivered
- zimní
- Number of ECTS credits allocated:
- 6
- Garant předmětu:
- Štěpán GRYGAR, Viktor KOLÁŘ, Robert PORTEL, Rudolf PREKOP
- Name of lecturer(s):
- Štěpán GRYGAR, Viktor KOLÁŘ, Robert PORTEL, Rudolf PREKOP
- Study Objectives:
Name of the Lecturer: Viktor Kolář prof.
Contact: , phone: 596 126 536
Consultations: Tuesday /odd week/ 9:00-11:30
Time and Place:
Hartvigovský Palace Tuesday odd week 13:10-16:25 TR 328
Course outline:
Who is, we may ask, the „documentary photographer“ today, creating convincing personal images? After all he is either the one practicing „empathy“ toward people or merely observing them from afar as a „bystander“. Both ways are equally efficient we may say. Or he/she is the one who understands working within „spiritual“ dimension that becomes the inner part of his/her pictures. Why is public space accessible to all practicing documentary photographers? So they visually communicate their ideas, visions with other segments of society in free manner .
Where does our creativity end and where starts a psychic illness? Why Zykmunt Bauman and his book „Liquid modernity“ does not leave us still and passive? What does ZEN have important to offer us documentary photographers? Aigu? Zen in the Art of Archery? Are manic shyness and desire for anonymity the traits of a street photographer in general? Where does the inspiration come from, what does the altered state of mind have to do with our photography?
Why„Synchronicity“, „interconnectedness“? Is there any connection between the scientific and artistic? Initiation religious and artistic. Problems with „identity“ in today?s world. Our openness as a gate to other people of this world. Me and my life with documentary photography.Personal rhythm and looking for one´s voice, photographing as a constant matter of choice.
List of assignments - (one choice between the three/)
Theme 1: "His/her/their? story /documentary project/
Visual narrative about looking for one?s path, a road we usually call a "road of life?. Discovering such a road and then keep walking on it seems to be more important than anything else. Before we step on such a road we face various problems as for instance: drug culture, participation in extreme political movements, religious sects, etc. next to personal failures, suffering from mental disorders, unemployment, abuse in childhood, homelessness, will make such a search more problematic. Almost each person in my neighbourhood can tell a different story?It is also about children who were abandoned by their parents and what became of them in the course of life?
The creative outcome: 15-20 bw or color images of cca 24x30cm
Deadline: June 2010
Theme 2: "Elderly people? /documentary project/
It can be considered as subject of great importance.The number of elderly people is growing, at the same time they feel cut off from the real world around them?many of them stand up to become active /senior age universities etc./We see people who suffer from all kind of dementia/Alzheimer disease!/ and still they try to retain dissent life.There are people around them who are of great help. Trace down how old people around you live and make strong series of photographs
The creative outcome: 15-20 bw or colour pictures 24x30cm
Deadline: June 2010
Theme 3: "Consumerism as a lifestyle? /documentary project/
Western model of consumerism can be blamed as responsible for defeat of communist ideology and further fall of communism in Czech Republic. The mode of consuming that comes after as a leading factor in shaping people?s lifes today. Purchasing products, using many level services in huge shopping centres as Tesco, Kaufland, Ikea, etc.are leading them to spend more time there. For some people consumption is becoming an obsession with all side effects. It becomes a drug after all and must be medically cured. People buy things they do not need, spend money they did not earn. They also try to buy new identities on the market. Record on your film all possible manifestations of such lifestyle from your point of view.
The creative outcome: 15-20 bw or color images cca 24x30cm
- Mode of delivery:
Analýza konkrétních cvičení, promítání prací, jež mají souvislost s tématem,
samostatná tvůrčí práce
- Prerequisites and co-requisites:
60 % attendance of our sessions, class ticket will be obtained when all the requirements are met by the student
- Recommended optional programme components
- Course contents:
Who is, we may ask, the „documentary photographer“ today, creating convincing personal images?
- Study materials:
Alberro, Alexander - Norvell, Patricia (ed.): Recording Conceptual Art, Berkeley,
Los Angeles a London: University of California Press, 2001
Alberro, Alexander, Sabeth Buchmann: Art After ConceptualArt, MIT Press,
Cambridge and London, 2006
Fried Michael: Why Photography Matters as Art as Never Before, Yale University
Press, New Haven 2008
Bourriaud, Nicolas: Postprodukce, Praha: Tranzit, 2004
Bourriaud, Nicolas: Relational Aesthetics, Dijon: Les presses du réel, 2002
Cotton Charlotte: The Photography as Contemporary Art, London, Thames
Hudson, 2004
Císař, Karel (ed): Co je to fotografie? Herrmann a synové, Praha 2004
Foster, Hal (ed): Postmodern Culture, London: Pluto Press, 1990
Foster, Hal; Krauss, Rosalind; Bois, Yves-Alain; Buchloh, Benjamin H.D.: Art
since 1900, London: Thames & Hudson, 2004
Michel Frizot: Nouvelle Histoire de la Photographie, Larousse-Bordas, Paris,
Grygar Štěpán, Konceptuální umění a fotografie, Praha, AMU, 2004
Petříček Miroslav: Myšlení obrazem, Herrmann a synové, Praha 2009
Silverio, Robert: Postmoderní fotografie, Praha: AMU, 2007
Liz Wells. The Photography Reader, Routledge, London, 2003
Wall, Jeff: Selected Essays and Interviews, New York: The Museum of Modern
Art, 2007
- Planned learning activities and teaching methods
- Assessment methods and criteria
Graded credit: awarded based on the submitted exercise, evaluated as to what extent the assignment was fulfilled, imagination in treatment and quality of development.
Participation: a condition for student evaluation is minimum 60% participation in classes and participation in required group consultations established at the beginning of instruction.
- Language of instruction:
- Czech
- Work placement(s):
- Pracovní stáž není u tohoto předmětu zavedena.
- Course web page:
- Note:
- Schedule for winter semester 2010/2011:
Mon Tue Fri Thu Fri - Schedule for summer semester 2010/2011:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- The subject is a part of the following study plans:
- Fotografie CZ - magistr (qualification subject)