Chemical principle of photography 1

Register Display Schedule
Course unit code:
Course unit title:
Chemical principle of photography 1
Mode of delivery:
Type of course unit:
Study plan Fotografie CZ - bakalář – compulsory subject
Study plan Fotografie CZ - magistr: restaurování – compulsory subject
Level of course unit:
Year of study
Study plan Fotografie CZ - bakalář – 1st year
Study plan Fotografie CZ - magistr: restaurování – 1st year
Semester when the course unit is delivered
Number of ECTS credits allocated:
Garant předmětu:
Name of lecturer(s):
Study Objectives:

This course focuses on acquiring fundamental theory knowledge and manual skills so the students may be able, in further study, to apply it in their creative work.

In the theory lectures students are introduced to photo processing theory. They receive knowledge of photo image principles, types and composition of photographic materials, their processing and evaluation.

In the exercises theory knowledge is employed and manual dexterity is developed in processing photographic material; introduction to and working with this students learn to use some specific processing techniques in B/W processing.

Overall students receive a complete overview of the generation of a photo image, its modifications and applications. Students will be capable in their photography work.

Mode of delivery:


Credit: awarded on the basis of evaluation of the submitted exercise (developing kinetics), successfull completion of the written test and minimum 75% participation.

Oral exam includes the following topics:

- Prinicples of recording an image through silver halides

--Role of silver halides - latent image theory

-- Basic development scheme

-- Photochemical laws (Grotthus-Draper Law, Bunsen-Roscoev Law, Einstein's Law, Schwarzschild Effect)

- Photographic emulsion

-- Photographic emulsion as a collection of microcrystals of silver halide

-- Influence of emlusion microcrystal size on sensitivity, graniness and gradation of photographic material

-- Improving sensitivity ratio - graniness by way of microcrystal emulsion structure, through crystal structure damage

-- Tabular crystals

-- Composite crystals (shell-core; epitaxial crystals)

-- Production of photographic emulsions and photographic materials

Processing photographic material

Black and White materials, positive-negaitve system

-- Developing:

--- Chemical development (chemical basis, developing materials, composition of developer for B/W photography)

--- Physical development (chemical basis, developer composition)

--- Kinetic development

--Fixing (chemical basis, types of fixatives)


--Special photography technology

--- Diffusion and its use

--- Intensifying negatives

--- Weakening negatives

--- Rehalation

--- Toning

Black and White inversion process

-- Structure of BW inversion materials

-- Processing

Color photograph materials

-- White and color (additive and subtractive color mixing

-- Physical principles of recording a color image

-- Chemical prinicples of recording a color image

-- Evaluating color photographic material

-- Types of color photographic material

--- The system of positive-negative (prinicple of the recording and developing process)

--- System of positive-negative (principle of the recording and developing process)

--- Kodachrome (principle of the recording and developing process)

--- Color material based on diffusion procedures (prinicple of the recording and developing process)

Prerequisites and co-requisites:


Recommended optional programme components
Course contents:

This course focuses on acquiring fundamental theory knowledge and manual skills so the students may be able, in further study, to apply it in their creative work.

In the theory lectures students are introduced to photo processing theory. They receive knowledge of photo image principles, types and composition of photographic materials, their processing and evaluation.

In the exercises theory knowledge is employed and manual dexterity is developed in processing photographic material; introduction to and working with this students learn to use some specific processing techniques in B/W processing.

Overall students receive a complete overview of the generation of a photo image, its modifications and applications. Students will be capable in their photography work.

Lecturer: Ing. Jiří Petera, 603 761 747,

Study materials:

Seznam doporučené literatury:

Šimek J., Základy fotochemie, Praha AMU 1983

C.E.Kenneth Mees, The Theory of the Photographic process, The Macmillan Comp., New York 1945.

Junge K.W., Hubner G. Fotografická chemie, český překlad, Praha SNTL 1983

Šimková M., Šimek J. Kvalifikační příručka pro fotografa a laboranta, Praha Práce 1973

Šimek J. Fotografické techniky, Praha Práce 1969

Souček L., Speciální fotografické techniky, Praha Orbis 1967

Tomášek Z., Fotografické chemikálie, Merkur, 1982

Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assessment methods and criteria


Credit: awarded on the basis of evaluation of the submitted exercise (developing kinetics), successfull completion of the written test and minimum 75% participation.

Oral exam includes the following topics:

- Prinicples of recording an image through silver halides

--Role of silver halides - latent image theory

-- Basic development scheme

-- Photochemical laws (Grotthus-Draper Law, Bunsen-Roscoev Law, Einstein's Law, Schwarzschild Effect)

- Photographic emulsion

-- Photographic emulsion as a collection of microcrystals of silver halide

-- Influence of emlusion microcrystal size on sensitivity, graniness and gradation of photographic material

-- Improving sensitivity ratio - graniness by way of microcrystal emulsion structure, through crystal structure damage

-- Tabular crystals

-- Composite crystals (shell-core; epitaxial crystals)

-- Production of photographic emulsions and photographic materials

Processing photographic material

Black and White materials, positive-negaitve system

-- Developing:

--- Chemical development (chemical basis, developing materials, composition of developer for B/W photography)

--- Physical development (chemical basis, developer composition)

--- Kinetic development

--Fixing (chemical basis, types of fixatives)


--Special photography technology

--- Diffusion and its use

--- Intensifying negatives

--- Weakening negatives

--- Rehalation

--- Toning

Black and White inversion process

-- Structure of BW inversion materials

-- Processing

Color photograph materials

-- White and color (additive and subtractive color mixing

-- Physical principles of recording a color image

-- Chemical prinicples of recording a color image

-- Evaluating color photographic material

-- Types of color photographic material

--- The system of positive-negative (prinicple of the recording and developing process)

--- System of positive-negative (principle of the recording and developing process)

--- Kodachrome (principle of the recording and developing process)

--- Color material based on diffusion procedures (prinicple of the recording and developing process)

Language of instruction:
Work placement(s):
Pracovní stáž není u tohoto předmětu zavedena.
Course web page:
Schedule for winter semester 2010/2011:
místnost 116
Fotokomora KF

(Lažanský palác)
(přednášková par. 1)
Schedule for summer semester 2010/2011:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2011-6-17
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