Fine Arts of 20th century 2
- Course unit code:
- 373VKM2
- Course unit title:
- Fine Arts of 20th century 2
- Mode of delivery:
- zkouška
- Range:
- 2/T
- Type of course unit:
- Study plan Animovaná tvorba - bakalář – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Dokumentární tvorba - magistr – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Dokumentární tvorba - bakalář – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Animovaná tvorba - magistr – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Scenáristika a dramaturgie - bakalář – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Scenáristika a dramaturgie - magistr – compulsory subject
Study plan Režie - bakalář – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Režie - magistr – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Kamera - bakalář – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Kamera - magistr – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Produkce - bakalář – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Produkce - magistr – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Audiovizuální studia - bakalář – compulsory subject
Study plan Střihová skladba - bakalář – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Střihová skladba - magistr – compulsory subject
Study plan Zvuková tvorba - bakalář – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Zvuková tvorba - magistr – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Fotografie CZ - bakalář – compulsory subject
Study plan Fotografie CZ - magistr – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Audiovizuální studia - magistr – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Fotografie CZ - magistr: restaurování – compulsory optional subject - Level of course unit:
- Year of study
- Study plan Scenáristika a dramaturgie - magistr – 1st year
Study plan Audiovizuální studia - bakalář – 2nd year
Study plan Střihová skladba - magistr – 1st nebo 2nd year
Study plan Fotografie CZ - bakalář – 2nd year - Semester when the course unit is delivered
- letní
- Number of ECTS credits allocated:
- 2
- Garant předmětu:
- Name of lecturer(s):
- Study Objectives:
The aim of the lectures, divided into 4 semester blocks, is to introduce students to the development of the broadly defined visual culture from the second half of the 19th century to today. The presentation will not be limited to only a listing or comparison of individual artists or art directions but will focus on a wider societal-historical context of the generation of modern art including relationships with other related artistic disciplines. Individual, chronologically covered topics will present the social changes of the audience and artists, marking the relationship between technological developments and art media and approach the modern artistic scene of the globalized world. Attention will be given to the historically developing theories of modernism and potential methodlogical approaches to 20th century culture. The independent blocks will be devoted to important persons in art over the last 150 years as well as topics from the world of mass culture in which the dynamics of cultural productions of our civilizaton with be defined.
- Mode of delivery:
Attendance at lectures and reading of required texts
Discussion about texts and lecture topics from classes.
- Prerequisites and co-requisites:
In the oral exam: to manage a monologue about a randomly picked topic from the following range:
Institutionally established modern art: Bauhaus, MoMA
Modern art form expansion: Kinetism, Zdeněk Pešánek
Modern art and Idea theory: Walter Benjamin
The reaction to modern art: antimodernism, art and ideology
High and low, art and kitsch
Surrealism in exile: Political and artistic consequences of the Second World War.
Against the temple of art: primitivism, art brut (outsider art)
Jackson Pollock: from painting to action art
American post-war art: Abstract expresionism
Post-war art in Europe: New realism
Yves Klein
- Recommended optional programme components
Nejsou žádné nepovinné složky nutné pro absolvování tohoto předmětu
- Course contents:
17. Feb.
Institutionally established modern art: Bauhaus, MoMA
Recommended literature: Paul Klee, Pedagogický náčrtník, Triáda, Praha 1999
24. Feb.
Modern art form expansion: Kinetism, Zdeněk Pešánek
Recommended literature: Jiří Zemánek, Zdeněk Pešánek 1896-1965, The National Gallery, Praha 1997
3. March
Modern art and Idea theory: Walter Benjamin
Required literature: Walter Benjamin, Umělecké dílo ve věku své technické reprodukovatelnosti, in: Walter Benjamin, Literárněvědné studie, Oikoymenh, Praha 2009, str. 299 ? 326.
Recommended literature: Walter Benjamin, Agesilaus Santander, Herrman a synové, Praha 1998.
10. March
The reaction to modern art: antimodernism, art and ideology
Recommended Literature: Karel Teige, Entartete Kunst. In: Karel Teige, Osvobozování života a poezie, studie ze 40. let, Aurora, Praha 1994, str. 59 ? 86.
17. March
High and low, art and kitsch
Required literature: Clement Greenberg, Avantgarda a kýč. In: Revue Labyrint, číslo 7 ? 8, Praha 2000, str. 69 ? 74.
24. March
Surrealism in exile: Political and artistic consequences of the Second World War.
Recommended literature: André Breton, Manifesty surrealismu, Herrmann a synové, Praha 2005
31. March
Against the temple of art: primitivism, art brut (outsider art)
Recommended literature: Jean Dubuffet, Dusivá kultura, Herrmann a synové, Praha 1998
7. April
Jackson Pollock: from painting to action art
Recommended film: Pollock,120 min. director; Ed Harris, USA 2000
14. April
American post-war art: Abstract expresionism
Recommended literature: Barbara Hessová, Abstraktní expresionismus, Taschen, Praha 2006
21. April
Post-war art in Europe: New realism
Recommended literature: Akce, slovo, pohyb, prostor, Galerie hlavního města Prahy, 1999
28. April
Yves Klein
Recommeded website:
5. May
Situationism I
Required literature: Guy Debord, Zpráva o konstrukci situací a o podmínkách organizace a působení mezinárodní situacionistické tendence. In: Sešit pro umění, teorii a příbuzné zóny, 4-5/2008, str. 7 ? 30.
12. May
Situacionism II
Recommended literature: Greil Marcus, Stopy rtěnky, tajná historie dvacátého století, Votobia, Olomouc 1998.
- Study materials:
Walter Benjamin, Umělecké dílo ve věku své technické reprodukovatelnosti, in: Walter Benjamin, Literárněvědné studie, Oikoymenh, Praha 2009, str. 299 ? 326.
Clement Greenberg, Avantgarda a kýč. In: Revue Labyrint, číslo 7 ? 8, Praha 2000, str. 69 ? 74.
Guy Debord, Zpráva o konstrukci situací a o podmínkách organizace a působení mezinárodní situacionistické tendence. In: Sešit pro umění, teorii a příbuzné zóny, 4-5/2008, str. 7 ? 30.
Amy Dempseyová, Umělecké styly, školy a hnutí, nakladatelství Slovart, Praha 2002.
hal foster, Rosalind Kraussová, Yve-Alain Bois, Benjamin Buchloh, Umění po roce 1900, Slovart 2007
Richard Osborne, Dan Strugis, Natalie Turner, Teorie umění, Portál, Praha 2008
Miroslav Lamač (ed.), Myšlenky moderních malířů, Odeon, Praha 1989.
- Planned learning activities and teaching methods
- Assessment methods and criteria
Účast na přednáškách a aktivní participace: 20%
Ústní zkouška: 80%
- Language of instruction:
- Czech
- Work placement(s):
- Pracovní stáž není u tohoto předmětu zavedena.
- Course web page:
- Note:
- Further information:
- This course is an elective for all AMU students
- Schedule for winter semester 2010/2011:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- Schedule for summer semester 2010/2011:
Mon Tue Fri Thu Fri - The subject is a part of the following study plans:
- Animovaná tvorba - bakalář (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Dokumentární tvorba - magistr (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Dokumentární tvorba - bakalář (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Animovaná tvorba - magistr (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Scenáristika a dramaturgie - bakalář (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Scenáristika a dramaturgie - magistr (qualification subject, faculty subject, optional subject)
- Režie - bakalář (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Režie - magistr (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Kamera - bakalář (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Kamera - magistr (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Produkce - bakalář (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Produkce - magistr (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Audiovizuální studia - bakalář (qualification subject, faculty subject, optional subject)
- Střihová skladba - bakalář (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Střihová skladba - magistr (qualification subject, faculty subject, optional subject)
- Zvuková tvorba - bakalář (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Zvuková tvorba - magistr (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Fotografie CZ - bakalář (qualification subject, faculty subject, optional subject)
- Fotografie CZ - magistr (faculty subject, optional subject)
- Audiovizuální studia - magistr (qualification subject, faculty subject, optional subject)
- Fotografie CZ - magistr: restaurování (faculty subject, optional subject)