Concert Practical 3 - Keyboard instruments

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Course unit code:
Course unit title:
 Concert Practical 3 - Keyboard instruments
Mode of delivery:
Type of course unit:
Study plan Obor Cembalo (Mg) – compulsory subject
Study plan Obor Klavír (Mg) – compulsory subject
Study plan Obor Varhany (Mg) – compulsory subject
Level of course unit:
Year of study
Study plan Obor Cembalo (Mg) – 1st year
Study plan Obor Klavír (Mg) – 1st year
Study plan Obor Varhany (Mg) – 1st year
Semester when the course unit is delivered
Number of ECTS credits allocated:
Garant předmětu:
Martin KASÍK, Ivo KAHÁNEK, Pavel ČERNÝ, Ivan KLÁNSKÝ, Kvitoslava BILINSKÁ, Jan HORA, Boris KRAJNÝ, Emil LEICHNER, František MALÝ, Ivan MORAVEC, Giedre MRÁZKOVÁ, Josef POPELKA, Jaroslav TŮMA
Name of lecturer(s):
Martin KASÍK, Ivo KAHÁNEK, Pavel ČERNÝ, Ivan KLÁNSKÝ, Kvitoslava BILINSKÁ, Jan HORA, Boris KRAJNÝ, Emil LEICHNER, František MALÝ, Ivan MORAVEC, Giedre MRÁZKOVÁ, Josef POPELKA, Jaroslav TŮMA
Study Objectives:

V rámci koncertní praxe si student ověřuje své interpretační schopnosti získávané v hodinách individuální výuky na koncertním pódiu, před publikem. Programová náplň koncertů vychází z nastudovaného repertoáru dle studijních plánů jednotlivých ročníků a doplňuje se případně potřebným repertoárem pro národní či mezinárodní soutěže apod..

Mode of delivery:

Artistic performance on stage

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

No requirements.

Recommended optional programme components

No elective requirements.

Course contents:

Concert Practice originates in the study content of the main study with consideration of the study aims of the given year (ex: preparations for various contests).

This course is for mental preparation for an evening's concert with a repertoire corressponding to the study plan, which is from six periods in various years. A repertoire from the Pre-Classic to modern music. The concert in two half-recitals in the 2nd year and an evening's cocert in later years.

Study materials:

The concert program originates in the study plans for the individual study year instruction supplemented, if needed by the program requirements necessary to participate in national or international contests, etc.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Performance on the concert stage.

Assessment methods and criteria

Successfull execution of a half-recital program in the II year of the bachelor's study, a recital in the I year of the master's study and graduation concert in the final year of bachelor's study and master's study. The recital program may be supplemented by performing a chamber music work.

Language of instruction:
Work placement(s):

No internship established for this course.

Course web page:

Concert dates are arranged with the Concert Dept. of Music Faculty.

Schedule for winter semester 2011/2012:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2011/2012:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2012-6-25
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