Tap, Special Techniques 3
- Course unit code:
- 109SST3
- Course unit title:
- Tap, Special Techniques 3
- Mode of delivery:
- zápočet
- Range:
- 2/T
- Type of course unit:
- compulsory subject
- Level of course unit:
- Year of study
- 2nd year
- Semester when the course unit is delivered
- zimní
- Number of ECTS credits allocated:
- 2
- Garant předmětu:
- Name of lecturer(s):
- Study Objectives:
Step je taneční technika rozvíjející smysl pro rytmus, rovnováhu, koordinaci pohybů a také vnitřní eleganci a jiskru. To vše jsou nezastupitelné prvky při pohybové výchově herce. Navíc v době dvouleté výuky se studenti dotknou i stavby krátkých tanečních výstupů. To vše rozšiřuje možnost uplatnění absolventa naší katedry v divadelní praxi. Znalosti získané v tomto předmětu může využít při pohybové spolupráci v činoherním divadle, anebo při vlastní herecké práci.
- Mode of delivery:
The fundamentals of modern tap is first of all the practicing of basic taps, body carriage practice and joining rhythm exercises into a larger whole. Improvisation is possible for pre-intermediate students.
- Prerequisites and co-requisites:
Physical fitness and precise sense of rhythm in variations with diverse rhythms.
- Recommended optional programme components
No elective requirements.
- Course contents:
The basics of modern tap is primarily practice of basic taps, practice in carriage of the body and connecting exercises into larger wholes. For intermediate student, improvisation is possible.
Tap is a dance technique which devleops the sense of rhythm, balance and movement coordination and internal elegance and spark.
Posture, rhythm
Syncopation, leg work
Instruction and practice of technical elements
Constructing elements into a system
Creating tap dance numbers
1. Introduction to the basic taps (and tap terminology) and practice
2. Joining simple etudes into a larger whole.
3. Preparations for the final presentation
- Study materials:
Video: 1. „Singing in the rain“, režie: Gene Kelly, 1952
2. „Bootmen“, režie: Dein Perry, 2000
3. „Tophat“, režie: Mark Sandrich, 1935
- Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Exercises, practice of step variations and dance structures, creating a final presentation.
- Assessment methods and criteria
Credit is awarded based on: attendance at exercises and in classes, presentation of the semester paper.
- Language of instruction:
- Czech
- Work placement(s):
no info
- Course web page:
- Note:
- Schedule for winter semester 2011/2012:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- Schedule for summer semester 2011/2012:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- The subject is a part of the following study plans:
- Obor Pantomima (Bc) (next compulsory subject)