Technical Fundamentals of Electro-acoustical and Multi-Media Music 1
- Course unit code:
- 171TZE1
- Course unit title:
- Technical Fundamentals of Electro-acoustical and Multi-Media Music 1
- Mode of delivery:
- zápočet
- Range:
- 2/T
- Type of course unit:
- compulsory subject
- Level of course unit:
- Year of study
- 1st year
- Semester when the course unit is delivered
- zimní
- Number of ECTS credits allocated:
- 1
- Garant předmětu:
- Ondřej URBAN
- Name of lecturer(s):
- Ondřej URBAN
- Study Objectives:
Seznámení se se základními technologickými a informačními prostředky alektroakustické hudby včetně základní znalosti výpočetní techniky a orientace ve struktuře pefiréfií, typů dat, jejich archivace a přenositelnost. Zaručuje orientaci skladatele v technologické organizaci zvukové studia, v jeho základních tvůrčích dispoziích a v elementárních možnostech nejpoužívanějších studiových přístrojů.
- Mode of delivery:
Interactive instruction
- Prerequisites and co-requisites:
Fundamental knowledge of physics
- Recommended optional programme components
- Course contents:
Introduction to basic technology and information tools of electro-acoustic music including a basic knowledge of computer technology and an good bearing in the structure of peripherals, types of data, their storage and transfer. This guarantees a composer's good bearing in the technological organization of the sound studio, basic talent and the elementary potential of the most used studio equipment.
- Study materials:
Vlachý, Václav: Praxe zvukové techniky, MUSICUS, 1995
Forró, Daniel: MIDI - Komunikace v hudbě, GRADA, 1993
Hardware and software manuals
- Planned learning activities and teaching methods
- Assessment methods and criteria
Activity in lectures.
- Language of instruction:
- Czech
- Work placement(s):
No internship established for this course.
- Course web page:
- Note:
- Schedule for winter semester 2011/2012:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- Schedule for summer semester 2011/2012:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- The subject is a part of the following study plans:
- Obor Skladba (Bc) (next compulsory subject)