Colour Sensitometry

Register Not scheduled
Course unit code:
Course unit title:
Colour Sensitometry
Mode of delivery:
Type of course unit:
compulsory subject
Level of course unit:
Year of study
2nd year
Semester when the course unit is delivered
Number of ECTS credits allocated:
Garant předmětu:
Name of lecturer(s):
Study Objectives:

Students should demonstrate ability to apply theory knowledge of color film senzitometrics in practice.

Mode of delivery:

Based on assigned sensitometric tests, student graphically represent reproduction characteristics and execute set adjustments for the copy process.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Competion of the „Color Process“ course.

Recommended optional programme components
Course contents:

1/ Students receive a spline of negative masked material and positive material. The splines are scaled, senzitometric characteristics are determined, and the gamma defined.

2/ Students complete graphically a compy from the negative of the given positive such that the density is 0.1 on the cyan image veil is copied to the value of 2.00 of the positive image. Copying conditions are set so that all copy graphics are of density 1.0 on the image cyan waveform.

3/ Students will receive a set of subtractive copy filters and scale their main and adjunct densities, put together a graphic expression of the relations of those values in percentages.

4/ Student receive a exposed spline on negative nemasked material by green light. Scale the main and adjunct densities, and perform a graphic construction mask.

Tasks: Students become familiar with completing the given tasks through the literature. Measurements are performed in pairs. Elaboration of the measurements is done independently.

Technical implementation: The instructor operates the denzitometer and lays out the splines and hands out complete graph documentation. The instructor sets the exercise schedule.

Study materials:

See „Color Process“

Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assessment methods and criteria

The developed written report with illustrative graphics is evaluated.

Language of instruction:
Work placement(s):
Pracovní stáž není u tohoto předmětu zavedena.
Course web page:
Further information:
No schedule has been prepared for this course
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2012-6-25
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