Graduate Film - Assistant
- Course unit code:
- 305CADA
- Course unit title:
- Graduate Film - Assistant
- Mode of delivery:
- zápočet
- Range:
- Type of course unit:
- Study plan Produkce - bakalář – compulsory optional subject
Study plan Produkce - magistr – compulsory optional subject - Level of course unit:
- Year of study
- předmět nemá určen ročník studia
- Semester when the course unit is delivered
- zimní i letní
- Number of ECTS credits allocated:
- 2
- Garant předmětu:
- Marta LAMPEROVÁ (FAMU, Praha 1, Smetanovo nábř. 2)
- Name of lecturer(s):
- Marta LAMPEROVÁ (FAMU, Praha 1, Smetanovo nábř. 2)
- Study Objectives:
Studenti si ověřují při praktické tvorbě a výrobě AVD svoje teoretické znalosti. Cílem praktického cvičení je naučit studenty využívat svých teoretických znalostí v praxi, naučit studenty produkce spolupracovat při tvorbě AVD se studenty ostatních oborů a naučit studenty produkce vést celý tým při tvorbě a výrobě AVD.
- Mode of delivery:
The assistant producers work in implementing the exercise under the head producer of the appropriate exercise. The workshop director provides requested consultation,
- Prerequisites and co-requisites:
Developed knowledge of AVD production technology, copyright and commercial law, the labor code, ability to independently lead a team.
- Recommended optional programme components
- Course contents:
The student as the Assistant producer collaborates according to instructions from the head producer in the completion of the whole exercise.
- Study materials:
Copyright, Civil Code, Labor Code.
- Planned learning activities and teaching methods
- Assessment methods and criteria
The condition for awarding the credit points for the implementation of the exercise is the completion of the whole exercise including the confirmation by the director (or his authorized representatiive) of the FAMU Studio of the submission of all documentation for the appropriate exercise.
The documenation includes, in particular:
All agreements (writers, students, cast, co-producers, sponsors, etc), which substantiate the authorization and extent of the law without which it is not possible to legally enter the work in to stores (not forgetting music copyright).
The literary or technical screenplay
Production list and committee meeting minutes.
Daily reports
Music ensembles
Final accounting, final production report
Subtitle document
The evaluation of the student work itself for the exercise is completed by the workshop director.
The recognition of the relevant credits for the exercise is completed by the Department head after the student submits all aforementioned certifications from the FAMU Studio and the approval of the workshop director.
The full number of credits is awarded to students who participate inthe entire exercise as the head producer with complete responsibility for the successful completion of the exercise, fulfillment of the aforementioned conditions and, in implementation of the exercise, works without an assistant producer.
A lower number of credits is awarded to students who participate in the entire exercise in the function of the head producer with complete responsibility for the successful completion of the exercise and fulfillment of the aformentioned conditions and in implementation collaborates with an assistant producer.
A lower number of credits is awarded to students who participate in the exercise in the function of an assistant producer and the head producer of the appropriate exercise (upon agreement of the workshop director) has no comments on the student's work.
- Language of instruction:
- Czech
- Work placement(s):
- Pracovní stáž není u tohoto předmětu zavedena.
- Course web page:
- Note:
- Schedule for winter semester 2011/2012:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- Schedule for summer semester 2011/2012:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- The subject is a part of the following study plans:
- Produkce - bakalář (qualification subject - practical seminar)
- Produkce - magistr (qualification subject - practical seminar)