Script Editing for Producers 2

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Course unit code:
Course unit title:
Script Editing for Producers 2
Mode of delivery:
Type of course unit:
compulsory subject
Level of course unit:
Year of study
1st year
Semester when the course unit is delivered
Number of ECTS credits allocated:
Garant předmětu:
Name of lecturer(s):
Study Objectives:

Smyslem přednášky je hledání způsobů a cest, které mohou vést producenta k dosažení jeho cílů.

Mode of delivery:

Active discussions with students.

Upon agreement with the students, we invite to some classes important personalities such as producers, PR representatives, directors or screenwriters.

Development of the following course tasks:

A) Create a point screenplay for a selected topic for the students (according to assignments from the previous semester: General topics, or Personal topics).

In developing the point screenplay students will start from Dwight V. Swain's book: Film Screenwriting; or Syd Field's: How to Write a Good Screenplay.

Try to respect the processes proposed in those books.

2-3 pages.

B. Develop producer's considerations for the created point screenplay so that it will be attended in cinemas in the Czech Republic by more than 100,000 viewers.

The producer's considerations will be, step by step, at each point characterized a proposed procedure from the moment of selecting the topic to achieving the required audience numbers.

The task of these considerations is not the resolution of economic issues. Theory burdens for the selected procedure are not decisive. Decisive is the creativity and originality of the proposed procedure.

Minimum of 2-3 pages.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Successfull completion of Dramaturgy for the Producer 1.

Recommended optional programme components

Jean - Claude Carriere : Vyprávět příběh

Samuel P. Huntington: Střet civilizací - Boj o kulturu a proměna světového řádu

Fareed Zakaria: Postamerický svět

Course contents:

Producer's dramaturgy, consideration of future films from the producer's viewpoint.

Seletion of theme, collection of materials, executability of the selected materials, orientation in the Audio-visual market, saturation and limits of the market, societal demand, potential financing.

Genres and formats

Readings, working with screenplays, dramaturgy from the producers point of view, theoretical potential for modification.

Some additional decisions which may fundamentally influence the results.

The producer's work does not end with the first distribution copy.

Communication with the audience - a work without an audience suffers greatly in the sense of its purpose.

The producer's and writer's amibition should be communication with the audience - efforts which the greatest number of people hear and understand. The producer should, in their efforts, assist in mutual understanding between the writer and audience.

Investigating all possible paths which mey assist in the encounter between the work and the audience.

Profit is not a bad word. Today, profit may provide us with greater freedom in future decisions.

Study materials:

Dwight V. Swain : Manual for the scriptwriters (Filmová scénáristika)

Syd Field: Jak napsat dobrý scénář

David Ogilvy: O Reklamě

Sergio Zyman: Konec marketingu, jak jsme jej dosud znali.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Completing the following course assignments:

A) Create a point screenplay on the selected topic (according to the assignment from the last semester: General topic, or possible Personal topic).

In developing the point screenplay students will use the Dwight V. Swain book: Film Scriptwriting or Syd Field's: How to Write a Good Screenplay.

Students try to respect the processes proposed in those books.

The extent is 2-3 standard pages.

B) Develop the producer's considerations for the already created point screenplay so it will be realistically possible to predict more than 100,000 cinema viewers in the Czech Republic. Production considerations will, step by step, at individual points characterize the procedure from the selection of the topic up to achieving the desired audience numbers. The task of these considerations is not to solve issues of economics. The theory basis are not decisive. Decisive is the CREATIVITY and ORIGINALITY of the proposed procedure.

The extent is 2-3 standard pages.

Assessment methods and criteria

Conditions for grading are:

participation in class hours

completion of the following course tasks: see (Planned related activities„ or “Manner of Implementation")

At the final interview demonstrated is a knowledge and understanding of the book by Syd Field: „How to Write a Good Screenplay.“ and knowledge of issues covered in class hours.

Language of instruction:
Work placement(s):
Pracovní stáž není u tohoto předmětu zavedena.
Course web page:
Schedule for winter semester 2011/2012:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2011/2012:
místnost 334
Učebna KP

(Lažanský palác)
(přednášková par. 1)
Datum Den Čas Tutor Místo Notes Č. paralelky
Fri 13:10–13:55 BOROVAN P. Učebna KP
Lažanský palác
přednášková par. 1
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2012-6-25
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