Historically Educated Interpretation 2
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction | Semester |
108HPI2 | ZK | 1 | 1+1/T | Czech | summer |
- Subject guarantor:
- Name of lecturer(s):
- Learning outcomes of the course unit:
1. To introduce students with the birth of the Baroque in concordance with other arts and the particulars of music.
2. To outline issues of individual elements of interpretation for management of a Baroque composition.
3. Recognition of the possibilities of period notation in relation to contemporary interpretation practice.
- Mode of study:
Lecture, notation sample analyses and analyses of recordings, comparisons.
- Prerequisites and co-requisites:
Active relationship to the covered material. Desire to complete detailed class tasks (usually source texts related to the covered topics).
- Recommended optional programme components:
Increased attention to interpretation acts related to the covered material (listenings, comparisons, one's repertoire, active or passive attendance of well-assessed performances or courses offered.
- Course contents:
1. A glimpse into epochs, birth of the Baroque, definition and continuity in contrast to the Renaissance, comparison with graphic arts, architecture, philosophy, etc.
2. Baroque music and its composition principles, basic styles, relation to rhetoric, effect, temperament, etc.
3. Tempo issues - measuring time, measure, phrase expression, free forms, Baroque rubato tempo.
4. Rhythm, accent, unequal playing, working with dotted rhythms and other consequences.
5. The Baroque suite - characteristics and the development of important dnaces
6. Italian diminution of the late Renaissance and early Baroque and it importance. Early sonata and fantastic style.
7. Ornamentation
8. Articulation and instrument technique.
9. Dynamics
10. Tuning systems, tone characteristics
11. Analyses of selected compositions (selection - ex: H. Schuetz, C. Monteverdi, A. Corelli, J.B. Lully, J.S. Bach, J. P. Rameau, J.D. Zelenka)
- Recommended or required reading:
Czeh and Slovak
Slovník české hudební kultury, Editio Supraphon Praha 1997 (keywords such as; agogika, barok, hudebně rétorické figury, monodie, opera, ornamentika, sonáta, suita, tempo)
ALAIN, Marie-Claire, Poznámky o „francouzském způsobu“ interpretace hudby 16. - 18. století, LK MKS Ostrava 1988
BACH, Carl Philippe Emanuel, Úvaha o správném způsobu hry na klavír, Paido Brno 2002
BUKOFZER, Manfred F., Hudba v období baroka, Opus Bratislava 1986
BURNEY, Charles, Hudební cestopis 18. věku, SHV Praha 1966
DOLMETSCH, Arnold, Interpretace hudby 17. a 18. století, SNKLHU Praha 1958
JANOVKA, Tomáš Balthazar, Klíč k pokladu velikého umění hudebního, KLP Praha 2006
KAZÁROVÁ, Helena, Barokní taneční formy, AMU 2005
MOZART, Leopold, Leopolda Mozarta, velkoknížecího salcburského vicekapelníka důkladná škola na housle, Praha 2000
POLÁK, Pavol, Hudobnoestetické náhl´ady v 18. storočí, Veda, Bratislava 1974
QUANTZ, Johann Joachim, Pokus o návod jak hrát na příčnou flétnu, Supraphon, Praha 1990
RUMLOVÁ, Gabriela, Historické tance XV. - XVII. století, skriptum AMU, SPN 1981
RŮŽIČKOVÁ, Zuzana, Interpretační praxe v barokní hudbě se zřetelem k cembalu a klávesovým nástrojům, skriptum AMU, SPN
Slovenská hudba. Revue pre hudobnú kultúru. Antologia renesancia a barok, roč.XX, rok 1994, číslo 3_4
Foreign language:
Hudební encyklopedie MGG a Grove Dictionary
Foreign Periodicals - Early Music, Concerto aj. (available at Universitní knihovně v Klementinu)
BACH, Carl Philipp Emanuel, Versuch über die wahre Art das Clavier zu Spielen, Berlin I 1753/1787, II 1762/1797. - Transl. and ed. by William J. Mitschell as Essay on the True Art of Playing Keyboard Instruments, New York 1949
The Companion to Baroque Music, Ed. J. A. Sadie, Oxford University Press 1998
DAMMANN, Rolf, Der Musikbegriff im deutschen Barock, Laaber-Verlag 1984
DONINGTON, Robert, Interpretation of Early Music, Faber - Faber, London 1963, New Version London 1989
Style and Performance. A Handbook, Faber Music 1982
FERGUSON, Howard, Keyboard Interpretation from the 14th to the 19th Century, Oxford University Press, London 1975, 1987
FROTSCHER, Gothold, Aufführongspraxis alter Musik Heinrichshofen, Wilhelmshaven 1971 (a další)
HARNONCOURT, Nikolaus, - Musik als Klangrede. Wege zu einem neuen Musikverständnis, DTV Bärenreiter 1987
- Der musikalische Dialog. Gedanken zi Monterverdi, Bach und Mozart, DTV Bärenreiter 1987
MATTHESON, Johann, - Der vollkomenne Capelmeister, 1739
- Grosse-Generalbass-Schule oder: Der exemplarischen Organisten-Probe II/1731, Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim 1994
MIEHLING, Klaus, Das Tempo in der Musik von Barock und Vorklassik, Florian Noetzel Verlag, Wilhelmshaven 1993
NEUMANN, Friderik, Ornamentation in Baroque and Post-Baroque Music, Princeton 1978
REIDEMEISTER, Peter, Historische Aufführungspraxis. Eine Einführung, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 1988
VEILHAN, Jean-Claude, Die Musik des Barock und ihre Regeln für alle Instrumente nach Bach, Brossard, Couperin, Hotteterre, Monteclair, Quantz, Rameau, d´Alembert, Rousseau u.a., Alphonse Leduc, Paris 1982
- Planned learning activities and teaching methods:
lecture and exercises
- Assessment methods and criteria:
Credit is awarded based on:
1. During the course, one individual short paper is required.
2. Completion of the final exam which contains theory and solving notation examples.
- Course web page:
- Note:
- Schedule for winter semester 2012/2013:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- Schedule for summer semester 2012/2013:
Mon Tue Fri Thu Fri Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel Thu 08:40–10:10 BAŽANTOVÁ I. Učebna KTDH 2057
Lichenštejnský palácparalelka 1 - The subject is a part of the following study plans:
- Obor Flétna (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Housle (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Klarinet (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Hoboj (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Fagot (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Lesní roh (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Trubka (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Pozoun (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Tuba (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Klavír (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Varhany (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Cembalo (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Viola (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Violoncello (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Kontrabas (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Harfa (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Kytara (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Bicí nástroje (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Zpěv (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Operní režie (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Hudební teorie (Bc) (next compulsory subject)
- Obor Skladba (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Dirigování (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Dirigování (Mg) (optional subject)
- Obor Hudební management (Bc) (optional subject)
- Obor Zvuková tvorba (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Bicí nástroje-jazz (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Saxofon-jazz (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Klavír-jazz (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)
- Obor Kontrabas-jazz (Bc) (compulsory optional subject)