

Costume Making 2

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
203KTR2 ZK 3 6/T Czech summer
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

Comprehending the sense of costuming in a theatre production, starting with theatre costuming treatment - a drama text, analysis of dramatic situations and development of conceptual thought. Reinforcing abilities in graphic communications and basic knowledge of materials for executing costuming designs and products. Development of the ability to create one's own treatment in individual exercises. Basic cultivated presentation.

Mode of study:

Individual consultations on assigned exercises, texts, sources of inspiration, prepared sketches and drawings. Consultation and analysis of dramatic situations. Costuming, objects proposals and their execution.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Artistic communication and dramatic thought. A good bearing in the study: fine art, Material culture and literature. Creativity and continuity skills.

Recommended optional programme components:

Supplementary work in the Industrial Design Museum - clothing and in the Theatre Dept. of the National Museum. Collaboration in executing a production in the DISK school theatre for the Summary exercise.

Course contents:

Work with dramatic situation - Comedie dell' arte and its typologies.

Oratorio - forming of dramatic characters and their meaning in space.

Recommended or required reading:

L.Kybalová-Dějiny odívání (all volumes)

E.Thielle-Geschichte des Kostümes

J.Arnold-Patterns off Fashion 1-2

Moussinac-Dějiny divadla

Blahník-Dějiny divadla

O.Zich-Estetika dramatického umění

K.Kratochvíl-Ze světa komedie del'Arte

V.Ptáčková-Česká scenografie XX.stol.

J.Trojan-Dějiny opery

L.Kybalová,O.Herbenová,M.Lamarová-Obrazová encyklopedie mody

Ze sbírek Ústavu odívání v Kjótu-MÓDA/dějiny odívání 18.,19.a 20.stol./

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Studio work - Consultations on artistic proposals, concept analysis, theory lectures. For the Summary, consultations on executed costuming.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Credit is awarded based on: attendance, drama thinking skills, drama situation analysis, creativity and continuity, artistry, completion of all assignments, presentation and implementation of a costuming object.

Course web page:
Schedule for winter semester 2012/2013:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2012/2013:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2013-06-03
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