

Register Display Schedule
Code Completion Credits Range Semester
204NMM2 ZK 3 5/T summer
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

To enrich and provide students with comprehensive drawing and painting skills for their own set-design practice.

To find avenues to one's painting based on acquired skills and experience.

To define the nature of 3 dimensional painting. Ability to express oneself graphically in those intentions. Attempts a creating pieces. Review of acquired skills and application in various disciplines of set-design / puppet, stage objects, etc /. To introduce the basic trade disciplines such as casting and working with modern materials.

Mode of study:

In regular studio exercises, the course instructor corrects drawing and painting studies which increase in difficulty. These are individual managed according to the previous arts instruction.

Perennial drawing of reality - architecture, landscape, still-life, drapery, portrait, figure, nude.

Perennial painting of reality - architecture, landscape, still-life, drapery, portrait, figure, nude.

One's interpretation of reality in painting, experiments.

Classical instruction in modelling, corrected by the instructor.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Sense for time-space, teamwork, creative talent and temper for working in non-traditional spaces and linking its context to a theatre piece.

Recommended optional programme components:

No electives required.

Course contents:

Perennial drawing of reality, captured using basic drawing drawing techniques. Study of basic real relationship of mass, space, perspective, lines and surfaces, shape, volume, light and shadow, structure in drawing architecture, landscapes, still-life, tissue, clothing, portraits.

Modelling and sculpting are part of arts education for set-design, expanding student skills in perceiving three-dimensional space.

Recommended or required reading:

M. Staněk, R.Linc: Technika figurální kresby

Z. Zrzavý: Anatomie pro výtvarníky

B. Slánský: Technika v malířské tvorbě

Modern material in graphics arts practice.

History literature

Artist Monographies

Contemporary exhibition catalogues

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Participation in „open air,“ whose educational aim assume the same as classical drawing or landscape painting, modern art discipline - landscape art, model-art, etc.

Eventually instruction in „open air“, landscape art, etc.

Assessment methods and criteria:

Credit is awarded based on completion of the prescribed extent of assignments and attendance at semester presentations.

The artistic level of all assignments and attendance at correction exercises in the studio are evaluated.

Course web page:

This course is taught over 6 semesters and observes individual skills from previous study.

Instruction schedule see: www DAMU / katedra ALD / Rozvrhy hodin

Schedule for winter semester 2012/2013:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2012/2013:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2013-06-03
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