Theory of Photographic Picture 1
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction | Semester |
304TF1 | Z | 1 | 2/T | Czech | winter |
- Subject guarantor:
- Josef PECÁK
- Name of lecturer(s):
- Josef PECÁK
- Learning outcomes of the course unit:
Introduce students to the theory basics of photographic depiction.
- Mode of study:
Lectures are supplemented with samples and extensive image material.
- Prerequisites and co-requisites:
Intended for Bachelor study students.
- Recommended optional programme components:
- Course contents:
1. Light and radiation
Energy radiation propagation, the electromagnetic spectrum, the physical fundamentals of radiation, light and radiation, psycho-physical character of light and the concepts of light, whole body radiation, heat emission laws: the Stefan-Boltzman Law, Krichhoff's Law, Wien's Law, Planck's Law.
Chromatic warmth, measurement of chromatic warmth.expressing TCH in Kelvin and Mired, B/W and color photography filters. Radiation sources - natural and artificial /the sun, sky, moon; incandescent and fluorecent bulbs, lamps/
2. Radiometry and photometry
light emission effectiveness, radiometric and photometric dimensions and units, fluorescent lamps and light stream, lighting, intensity, brightness, exposure, exposition. Photometric laws - The inverse square law of light. Cosine law. Passive photometric concepts - the light characteristics of an object. Reflection, permeance, light absorption. Mirror reflection, dispersion, mixed, reversed. Permeance, reflection and absorption agents, optical density. Fundamentals of photometric measurement - photometric equipment.
3. The radiation perception process
physiology of vision - eye structure, composition and significance of the retina, the visual nerve bundle, the vision center of the brain; the generation of an optical image in the eye, the binocular field of vision, volatilization of the eye, the mosaic arrangement of the sense of vision, resulting visual sensation. Adapting - fundamental, locational, peripheral, immediate and subsequent contrast. Basic color vision theory - metameric vapor experiment of J.C. Maxwell, the exception of yellow, Young-Helmholtz theory, Hering's theory, Spectral sensitivity of photopigments in the eye, color vision defects, The concept of color - color in psychical, physical and psycho-physical areas. Classification of colors - perceptual analysis of color, color attributes, color tone, saturation, brightness, color atlases, /Munsel, Ostwald/, color measurement - Colormetry. Perception of brightness - range of brightness perception, sensitivity to differential brightness, the influence of conversion on the perception of brightness, The Weber-Fecher Law, visual sensitometer, subjective black, scene contrasts, manners of expressing contrast, simple contrasts, contrast at the shooting location /aerial fog/, subjective contrast. Brightness detail - /color detail/, distinguishing details, distinction limits, distinguishing skill, test images for distinguishing details - Foucault's tests, Jewel-Nutting-Siemens star. Recognizing spatial depth - a) direct; based on head movement, viewer movement, binocular vision /stereoparalaxy/ b) indirect: based on line convergence perspective, overlapping objects, space modelling through light and shadow, aerial perspective, person and object size knowledge, lost of detail and movement in a scene, Visual perception characteristics - difference between viewing and perceiving, unequal evaluation of vertical and horizontal dimensions, evaluating the size of near and distant objects, constancy phenomena, the influence of memory, experience and interpretation, brain adaptation, The Bezold - Bruecke phenomenon.
4. Optical photography
Optical glass and its characteristics, Reflection and diffraction laws, light, diffraction medial index, medial dispersion, relative dispersion, Abbe number, spheric and aspheric elements, optical defects - spherical defects, coma, color defects, astigmatism, distortion, deformation. photographic lens characteristics - focal distance, relative opening, f-number, lens speed, lens types, depth and sharpness, hyper-focal distance, visual and image angle, haze and its measurement, anti-reflective layers, image contrast, distinguishing skills, modulation transfer functions.
5. History of Photography
The camera obscura, beginnings of photochemistry, Niepce, Daguerre, Talbot, Scott Archer - the Colloidal Wet-plate process, the appearance of gelatines. Dry tables, optical sesibility, the beginnings of color photography - direct and indirect methods.
- Recommended or required reading:
Literatura povinná: (včetně signatury knihovny FAMU)
ČSN 36 0000: Světelné technické názvosloví (6A 3999-4000)
ČSN 01 1718: Měření barev (6A 4001)
ČSN 66 6401: Fotografická senzitometrie (6A 3333)
Janoušková K.: Fyziologie zraku (1965 - 6C 958-60, 1970 - 6C 1592-95)
Pecák J.: Subjektivní aspekty reprodukce barevným filmem (kabinet obrazové techniky)
Urban M.: Základy senzitometrie (1968 - 6C 1572-3)
Jahoda M.: Barevná senzitometrie (1968 - 6C 1169) in Sborník prací VÚZORT
Informační zpravodaj VÚZORT -1969, č. 3,4 / Kvalita optických a fotografických obrazů (kabinet obrazové techniky)
Katalogy filmových materiálů: Eastman KODAK, FUJI (kabinet obrazové techniky)
Katalogy filtrů: KODAK Filters (kabinet obrazové techniky)
Kubát J.: Základy fotochemie, Akademia 1969
Šimek J.: skripta Fotografická technika - Základy fotochemie
Junge K.W., Hübner G.: Fotografická chemie (SNTL 1987)
Literatura doporučená :
Evans, R.M.: An Introduction to Color (1948 - 6B 859, 1959 - 6B 757, 1965 - 6B 1214)
Evans, R.M.: Eye, Film and Camera in Color Photography (1959 - 6B 756)
Langford, M.J.: Advanced Photography (1972 - 6B 1350)
sborník Principles of Color Sensitometry (1955 - 6B 865)
Ilinski, M.: Sensytometria fotograficzna i filmowa materialow czarno-bielych (1955 - 6B 420)
Horder, A.: The Manual of Photography,formerly (6B 1281)
Horder, A.: The Ilford Manual of Photography (1971)
Morávek, J.: Senzitometry (1965, in Sborník prací VÚZORT, str. 71 - 6B 1169)
Gorochovskij, J.N., Levenberg, T.M.: General Senzitometry (6B 1471)
Jiráček M.: Fotografická optika (1960 - 6A 2119)
Palivec: Světlo, optika a osvětlovanie vo fotografii (1963 - 6A 2390)
- Planned learning activities and teaching methods:
- Assessment methods and criteria:
Attendance at lectures is a necessary requirement for successfull course study. At the end of the semester the students complet a verification text on which credit is based.
- Course web page:
- Note:
- Schedule for winter semester 2012/2013:
Mon Tue Fri Thu Fri - Schedule for summer semester 2012/2013:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- The subject is a part of the following study plans:
- Kamera - bakalář (qualification subject)