

Film Restorating 2

Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled
Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
373RE2 ZK 2 2/T Czech summer
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

Students learn to work with historically valuable classic materials. They learn the methods and approaches of restoration work, including a theory and film history study and acquire skills in working with equipment which is used by restorers.

Upon completion of the study they can find their place in film archives in Prague and other places outside the Czech Republic or may focus on research work in that field in other related institutions (higher learning institutes, Humanitarian institutions, etc.). Knowledge of the activities of a film archive and its restoraction work is useful for students who in the future will also work in active film activities (directors, editors, etc.).

Mode of study:

Instruction takes place in the workplace, the screening room and in the restorer's workshop of the National Film Archives, Praha 3, Malešická 12. A presentation of the instructor's and technician's experience is used.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

No requirements.

Recommended optional programme components:
Course contents:

Instruction location: dependent upon the number of students: theory lectures may be in the screening hall NFA Praha 3, Žižkov, Malešická 12, the practical instruction section in the restoration workshop NFA Praha 3, Žižkov, Malešická 12.

History of conservation activity and its issues in general and specific film categories.

Basic questions and issues in film restoration.

Practical activity: restoring selected films in all phase from the beginning of restoring to the final verson of the film (or its parts) and final documentation.

Introduction to the National Film Archive and its activities.

1) Conservation procedures and methods

- definitions of terminology used in conservation processes - a film work, conservation (conservator's intervention, reconstruction, technical restoration, faximile and other technical terms

- film selection, for restoration practical selection

- identification

- collecting all available film and non-fim materials related to restoring a work and the circumstance of its origins

- miscellaneous variations of restoration cases - silent cinematography, sound films

- the relation of conservator's procedure selection to the amount and quality of film material which have been included in the conservator's process, potential

- analysis of film and non-film material, selection of reconstruction procedure and technical restoration

Number of class hours: 4

2) Restoring a selected film

Reconstruction - Phase 1

- description of film band content

- description of shots on the film band

- reconstruction of the narrative line

- reconstrution of the film composition

- reconstruction of dialogue titles (silent film)

- reconstruction of the sound track (sound film)

- preparing the reconstructed section for copying

- managing a detailed log of all reconstruction steps

Number of class hours: 10

Reconstruction - Phase 2

- setting up the copied section for the final film version

- preparing the reconstructed film for colorization (koloring, bending, and chemical toning materials)

- managing a detailed log of all reconstruction steps

Number of class hours: 5

3) The conservator's process documentation - the record of a film's restoration

Number of hours: 3

4) Presentation of historic material for new media

Number of hours: 1-2

5) Ethical issues in the conservator's activities and introduction to deontology (study of obligation)

Number of hours: 2

Results of the master's study:

- reconstruction of selected film material

- a record containing detailed conservator process procedures

- possible theory study in film restoration

Recommended or required reading:

Alois Riegl, Moderní památková péče, Národní památkový ústav, Praha 2003

Vlastimil Vinter, Úvod do dějin a teorie památkové péče, Státní pedagogické nakladatelství Praha 1971

Recommendation for the Safeguarding and Preservation of Moving Images, UNESCO, Generální konference (21. zasedání, Bělehrad, 27. října 1980

Il cinema ritrovato Teoria e metodologia del restauro cinematografico, Grafis Edizioni Bologna 1994

Mark-Paul Meyer,L´emploi des nouvelles technologie dans la restauration du film: problems techniques et éthiques, Bologna 1996

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:
Assessment methods and criteria:

Credit is awarded based on attendance and the completion of a brief essay from the selected literature.

There is an oral exam containing questions from lecture and practice activities.

Course web page:
Further information:
No schedule has been prepared for this course
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2013-06-03
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