

Register Display Schedule
Code Completion Credits Range Semester
307UM ZK 2 26/S winter
Subject guarantor:
Libor JŮN
Name of lecturer(s):
Libor JŮN
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

This course introduces the basics of museum practice focusing on processing photographic media. At the same time, students will be provided with basic information about the development of museum professions in the Czech Republic and the rise and functioning of the most important domestic museum institutions.The main focus of instruction is contermporary trends and issues in relation to photographic material stored in Czech Republic museums, including items connected to sufficiently popular and professional presentation, etc. Great attention will be devoted to the differences and similarities in the care of photo collections stored in museums and archives (that is, differences in care and professional processing in musum and archive networks, CES (Central Documentation Collections) documentation and NAD (National Heritage Archives) documentation. Integral parts of instruction are topically focused excursions to important museum institutions (The National Museum, National Technical Museum, Industrial Arts Museum, National Agricultural Museum, etc.) and specialized lectures by professionals in those institutions.

Instruction is made up of lectures, presentations of museum and archive workplaces and assignments and their completion in the accompanying classes.

Mode of study:
Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Students should demonstrate a general knowledge of the cultural context at the bachelor's level. Also necessary is the ability to work with professional writings and analysis and review.

Recommended optional programme components:
Žádné další nepovinné vzdělávací složky.
Course contents:
Recommended or required reading:

Beneš, J.: Základy muzeologie. Slezská univerzita, Opava 1997.

Národní muzeum. 1818 - 1968. Národní muzeum, Praha 1972.

Neustupný, J.: Muzeum a věda. Národní muzeu, Praha 1968.

Stránský, Z.: Úvod do studia muzeologie. Masarykova univerzita, Brno 1995.

Špét, J.: Přehled vývoje českého muzejnictví. I.díl (do r. 1945). Národní muzeum, Praha 1979.

Štěpánek, P.: Obrysy muzeologie. Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc 2002.

Vlček, V.: K vývoji českého muzejnictví. Národní technické muzeum, Praha 1970.

Žalman, J. a kol.: Příručka muzejníkova I. Tvorba, evidence, inventarizace a bezpečnost sbírek v muzeích a galeriích. Asociace muzeí a galerií, Praha - Brno 2002.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:
Assessment methods and criteria:

Credit is awarded based on student participation in instruction and demonstration of a basic bearing in the presented topics. During study indepedent reading, completion of a paper (essay, review, etc.) and a presentation are required.

The exam for the course is oral. The overall grade is comprised of 30% for participation in study and 70% for the oral exam.

Course web page:
Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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