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Selected Topics in Music Theory (Mg) - elective

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Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER
Tutor completion ECTS range completion ECTS range
108TI1 Interpretation Theory 1 Z 1 2/T
108TI2 Interpretation Theory 2 Thu
Učebna KTDH 1041
ZK 1 2/T
101UHK1 Introduction to Music Composition 1 Z 1 2/T
101UHK2 Introduction to Music Composition 2 Z 1 2/T
101UHK3 Introduction to Music Composition 3 Z 1 2/T
101UHK4 Introduction to Music Composition 4 Z 1 2/T
171UAH Introduction to acoustics for Musicians Czech Mon
laboratoř exp. akustiky
ZK 2 2/T
108DHN Music History after 1950 Czech Thu
Učebna KTDH 2017
ZK 2 2/T
171DKHA Optional courses of musical acoustics Czech Z 1 blok
108PED1 Pedagogy 1 Czech Z 1 2/T
108PED2 Pedagogy 2 Czech see detail ZK 1 2/T
108PIV1 Poetics of Interpretation Performance 1 Czech Z 2 BLOK
108PIV3 Poetics of Interpretation Performance 3 Czech Z 2 BLOK
108PSY1 Psychology 1 Czech Z 1 2/T
108PSY2 Psychology 2 Czech see detail ZK 1 2/T
Generated on 2017-07-03