Simplified study plan Scenography - Costume and mask (M.A.)

Department of Stage Design

Study of qualification: Costume design
Study programme: Stage Design

Study type: Continuing Master's Programme

Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | simplified

1st year

Winter semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
203KOM1 Costume and Mask 1 ZK 8
203KRP1 Costume Implementation Practice 1 Z 2
203KML1 Drawing and Painting 1 Z 3
203KOF1 Film Costume 1 ZK 2
203DOO1 History of Clothing 1 Z 3
203DSI1 History of Stage Design 1 Z 5
203KTC1 Technology of Costume Making 1 Z 2
203VSM1 Visualisation of Scenographic Project 1 ZK 3
Required courses credits 28
Required courses (to be passed in any semester of studies)
Code Name Completion Credits
702DAOU3 English for Students of Theatre 3 ZK 3
Credits are taken into account in semester in which the course was accomplished
It is possible to pass the course in any semester of studies

Summer semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
203KOM2 Costume and Mask 2 ZK 8
203KRP2 Costume Implementation Practice 1 Z 2
203KML2 Drawing and Painting 2 ZK 3
201VTZ1 Evolutional Tendencies of Occidental Theatre within Modern Culture. Z 2
203KOF2 Film Costume 2 ZK 2
203DOO2 History of Clothing 2 ZK 4
203DSI2 History of Stage Design 2 ZK 5
203KTC2 Technology of Costume Making 2 Z 2
203VSM2 Visualisation of Scenographic Project 2 ZK 3
Required courses credits 31
Required courses (to be passed in any semester of studies)
Code Name Completion Credits
702DAOU4 English for Students of Theatre 4 ZK 3
Credits are taken into account in semester in which the course was accomplished
It is possible to pass the course in any semester of studies


Suggested number of credits achieved from electives 1
Total number of credits per grade 60

2nd year

Winter semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
203KOM3 Costume and Mask 3 ZK 10
203KRP3 Costume Implementation Practice 1 Z 2
203KML3 Drawing and Painting 3 ZK 3
203KOF3 Film Costume 3 ZK 2
203DSI3 History of Stage Design 3 Z 5
203KTC3 Technology of Costume Making 3 Z 2
203VSM3 Visualisation of Scenographic Project 3 ZK 3
Required courses credits 27
Required courses (to be passed in any semester of studies)
Code Name Completion Credits
702DAOU3 English for Students of Theatre 3 ZK 3
Credits are taken into account in semester in which the course was accomplished
It is possible to pass the course in any semester of studies

Summer semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
203KOM4 Costume and Mask 4 ZK 10
203KRP4 Costume Implementation Practice 1 Z 2
203KOF4 Film Costume 4 ZK 2
203DSE1 Graduation Theses Seminar 1 Z 1
203DSI4 History of Stage Design 4 ZK 5
203KTC4 Technology of Costume Making 4 Z 2
Required courses credits 22
Required courses (to be passed in any semester of studies)
Code Name Completion Credits
702DAOU4 English for Students of Theatre 4 ZK 3
Credits are taken into account in semester in which the course was accomplished
It is possible to pass the course in any semester of studies


Suggested number of credits achieved from electives 11
Total number of credits per grade 60