Important Events of Ukrainian Cinema

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
300MUAC zápočet 1 16 hodiny PŘEDNÁŠEK za celý semestr (45 minut), 13 až 18 hodin domácí příprava česky letní

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Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)


1st lesson.

The invention of Joseph Tymchenko in Odessa.

The first studios.

VUFKU. Occurrence. Problems of film production. Vectors of VUFKU work: creative (screenwriters, directors, cameramen), equipment (filming equipment, film), studios (restoration of work, construction), film installations (mobile, village), promotion of cinematography (popularization among the population, popular literature about cinema, magazines) , research and scientific activity, international activity of VUFKU (commercial interest, popularization of Ukrainian cinema, cooperation with emigrants). Russians and Ukrainians at VUFKU. Confrontation of VUFKU Sovkino: causes and deep features of the conflict.

„Shot Renaissance“. Destruction of leading Ukrainian artists by the Soviet authorities.

2nd and 3rd lessons.

VUFKU. Films, directors, cinematographers, creative method.

George Stabov „Two Days“, 1927.

Mykola Shpykovsky „Bread“, 1930.

Dzyga Vertov „The Man with the Cinema Camera“, 1929.

Dziga Vertov „Enthusiasm (Symphony of Donbass)“, 1930.

Alexander Dovzhenko „Zvenigora“, 1927.

Alexander Dovzhenko „Arsenal“, 1929.

Alexander Dovzhenko „Earth“, 1930.

Ivan Kavaleridze „Rain“, 1929.

4th lesson.

Ukrainian School of Cinematography.

Traditions of the Ukrainian cinematography school. Formation of a creative paradigm of development.

Danilo Demutsky („Earth“)

Yuri Ilyenko. From cameraman to director.

Valery Kvass („Stone Cross“)

Vilen Kalyuta („Flights in a dream and reality“, „Urga - the territory of love“, „Tired of the sun“)

Sergey Mikhalchuk

Yaroslav Pilunsky

5th lesson.

Popular science film. Felix Sobolev.

Progressive creative search of Kyivnaukfilm studio.

Popular science film.

Animated film.

Felix Sobolev's films. Stylistic and creative features.

6th and 7th lessons.

„Ukrainian Poetic Cinema“

The beginning of „poetic cinema“. Works by O. Dovzhenko („Zvenigora“, „Earth“, „Arsenal“).

60s. The movement of the 60's in the USSR. Features of the Ukrainian 60's. The heyday of Ukrainian cinema. „Poetic cinema“ in the context of the movement of the 60's.

Sergei Parajanov „Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors“

Yuri Ilyenko „White bird with a black sign“

Leonid Osyka „Stone Cross“

Boris Ivchenko „Lost Diploma“

8th lesson.

„Hard“ 90's. Kira Muratova.

Transformation of Kira Muratova's work from „Short Meetings“ in 1967 to „Three Stories“ in 1997.

Features of K. Muratova's creative style late period of creativity.

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