Basic Photo Chemistry 2

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307EBPC2 zkouška 2 2 hodiny SEMINÁŘŮ týdně (45 minut), 32 až 42 hodin domácí příprava anglicky

Garant předmětu

Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)



The course is a full continuation of 307EBPC1 and focuses on deepening the acquired basic theoretical knowledge and manual skills so that students are able to apply the acquired knowledge in their own work during further studies. In the area of theory, students will gain knowledge about the principle of recording a photographic image, types and structure of photographic materials, their processing and evaluation. In the course of practical exercises, they will then build on the theoretical knowledge and acquire manual dexterity in processing photographic materials; they will become familiar with and learn to use in practice some specific black and white processing techniques.

Main topics:

1/ Principle of image recording using silver halide - role of silver halide - latent image theory - theoretical lecture, diagrams, demonstrations

2/ Basic processing scheme - mainly Photochemical laws (z. Grotthus-Draper, Bunsen-Roscoev, Einstein, Schwarzschild effect) - theoretical lecture, schemes, examples

3/ Photographic emulsion - Photographic emulsion as a collection of silver halide microcrystals---Effect of the size of emulsion microcrystals on sensitivity, grain size and gradation of photographic materials - lecture, demonstrations, practical exercises

4/Improving the sensitivity-grain ratio by the structure of emulsion microcrystals, using crystal lattice disturbances---Tabular crystals---Composite crystals (shell-core; epitaxial crystals) - theoretical introduction, demonstrations, practice

5/ Production of photographic emulsion and photographic materials--practical demonstration, practice

6/ Processing of photographic materials - Black and white materials positive-negative system, Developing: -----Chemical developing (chemical nature, developing agents, composition of developers for b&w photography) - theoretical introduction, demonstration, practice

7/Physical developing (chemical nature, composition of developers)-----Kinetics of developing---Settling (chemical nature, types of settling agents)---Penning--- practical exercise

8/Special photographic techniques-----Diffuse phenomena and their uses-----Degradation of negatives-----Degradation of negatives-----Rehalogenation-----Tinting- theoretical introduction, civilisation

9/ Black and white inversion process ---Structure of b&w inversion materials---Processing - practical exercise

10/ Color photographic materials ---Light and color (additive and subtractive color mixing)---Physical principle of color image recording---Chemical principle of color image recording---Evaluation of color photographic materials---Types of color photographic materials----- practical exercise

11/Positive-Negative System (Recording Principle and Processing Process)-----Color Inverse Process (Recording Principle and Processing Process)-----Codechrome (Recording Principle and Processing Process)-Theoretical Introduction, Examples

12/ Colour materials based on diffusion processes (recording principle and processing process) - practical exercises

Výsledky učení

Expansion of knowledge, full understanding of the photographic process in black and white and color materials, confidence gained in practical exercises, will create a comprehensive overview of the formation of the photographic image, its modification and application. Listeners are fully equipped to work creatively in the analogue process, which they can further develop according to their own original intentions.

Předpoklady a další požadavky



ROGERS, DAVID N. The Chemistry of Photography: From Classical to Digital Technologies, Danercon Ltd, 2007. ISBN: 978-0-85404-273-9 (

Mees, C.E.Kenneth. The Theory of the Photographic process, The Macmillan Comp., New York 1945.

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria

ZK oral on the basis of the final practical exercise - kinetics of elicitation and successful completion of the written test

Active participation in the theoretical and practical part, performance of partial practical exercises, submission of the final practical exercise - requirement for participation of at least 80%



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Datum Den Čas Vyučující Místo Poznámky Č. paralelky
St 10:40–12:15 Jiří PETERA
online hodiny přednášková par. 1

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