Documentary / Atelier exercise

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
311DAE zkouška 5 anglicky zimní

Garant předmětu

Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)




Directing students to write and direct short film up to 15 minutes based documentary topic. Students are led in their tutorial workshops to develop a topical documentary based on true characters or events. There is no style limit, except for avoiding only poetical creation. No matter which way, but the topicality should be a clear part of the

film – either the topic exposes intimate, personal or social issues. The artistic initiative comes from Directing student who actively searches for collaborating Cinematography student.

Atelier exercise

Students adapt the assigned script for the realization of the pre-defined set built in film studio. Students analyze the script, seek a creative interpretation of its meaning and finds a way for conveying it using the tools of the audiovisual expression.

Výsledky učení

With this exercise students will:

in Documentary:

-explore different possible themes for documentary filmmaking and analyze the potential of these ideas for realization

-recognize the progressive phases of a documentary director’s work

in Atelier exercise

-learn how to interpret the existing dramatic text by the process of its visualization

-will understand how it is possible to find own creative voice in the adaptation of the existing dramatic text

-learn to work within the lits set by existing scripts

-practice the work on the film studio set

Předpoklady a další požadavky


Bill Nichols: Introduction to Documentary Film

Sheila Curran Bernard: Dcoumentary Storytelilng

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria

Public screening; The student’s project is evaluated by the panel of the teachers of the faculty.

The minimum essential criteria of evaluation:

Atelier exercise:

Audiovisual interpretation of the script 40%

Casting and directing actors - 20%

Overall artistic success - 40%


Choice of the topic and research - 30%

Use of the film language and tools of documentary filmmaking - 30%

Overall artistic success - 40%


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