Disertační a doktorský seminář 1
Kód | Zakončení | Kredity | Rozsah | Jazyk výuky | Semestr |
180DSTN1 | zápočet | 15 | 24 hodiny SEMINÁŘŮ za celý akademický rok (45 minut), 357 až 432 hodin domácí příprava | česky | akademický rok |
Garant předmětu
Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)
Předmět zajišťuje Katedra tance
Learning objective:
The aim of the course is to deepen the skills of professional discussion within the immediate academic community of doctoral students and supervisors. The research process, content and methodology are specified by the doctoral student in individual consultations with his/her supervisor and consultants. In joint seminars, students inform each other about the current state of their research and procedures relevant in the text part of the dissertation and in the concept of the professional artistic reflection.
The supervisor and the cooperating consultant guide the doctoral student to be able to formulate key aspects of his/her own research and confront them with critical suggestions from colleagues. The systematic development of disciplinary discourse through the presentation of one's own work and critical discussion of the work of other colleagues across all levels of study helps to cultivate a closely disciplinary discourse and the ability to actively engage in the professional community.
Thematic headings:
These are determined by the focus of the doctoral student's own research activity. A PhD student in the first year with a supervisor prepares annotated research and submits studied titles related to the dissertation topic. He/she presents the process of his/her own work so far, discusses the presented works, shares information on current and critically evaluates new findings and developments in issues of technique, aesthetics, and other aspects of artistic of art making. The prerequisite is an independent critical-analytical evaluation of the presented works of the students with an overlapping to pedagogical, aesthetic and music theoretical levels. Within all profiles, colloquia are held with experts from institutions dealing with dance research and related fields, which introduce students to the wider professional environment, allow them to establish contacts, discuss the phenomena studied with other researchers, and revise their own findings and their interpretation.
Výsledky učení
The PhD student is guided to be able to present parts of the dissertation task in accordance with the individual study plan in the form of a completed research paper, a completed chapter or multiple chapters of a future dissertation thesis, or otherwise structured textual output or artistic intention and creative process.The doctoral student will be able to argue the methodology of his/her artistic research and demonstrate the ability to innovatively connect these to their own artistic practice.
The student is able to present the current state of research and actively respond to critical reflection from the immediate community PhD students and supervisors through discussion and incorporation of suggestions into their own work.
Předpoklady a další požadavky
Informace ke kombinované nebo distanční formě
All individual consultations can also take place online in the case of Dissertation and Doctoral Seminars, as well as in the case of Scientific and Artistic Activities. Especially in the case of combined form of studies.
As this is a subject whose specific content is always determined anew in relation to the specific situation doctoral student's situation, the portfolio of study materials is variable.
Hodnoticí metody a kritéria
At the end of the first year, the doctoral student presents and discusses the acquired knowledge before the departmental board, namely in particular by pointing out the relevance of the acquired knowledge to the actual subject of the theoretical or creative part of the dissertation. The doctoral candidate shall defend their relevance primarily in terms of a thorough study of the special aspects of the dissertation research itself. The PhD student presents partial publication achievements, involvement in an artistic project, and a presentation of perspectives such as participation in conferences, symposia, etc. and in the field of academic writing.
Rozvrh na akademický rok 2024/25:
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