Dance Education (H0B0050D)
Specializace studijního programu Dance Pedagogy
Combined study, from the academic year 2026/2027.
Cíle studia
Profil absolventa
A graduate of the Bachelor's degree in Dance Pedagogy in the combined form will acquire the skills of methodical and didactic thinking and complex thinking about movement based on anatomical knowledge of the body, as well as creative skills, based on deepening their practical dance experience and theoretical knowledge in their chosen field.
He/she is able to competently teach dance techniques and repertoire specialized according to the chosen curriculum of dance education. At the same time, he/she gains an overview of dance history and theory, which enables him/her to perceive the chosen field in the context of dance in general and other artistic disciplines and culture.
He or she demonstrates a broad knowledge of the history, theories, concepts and methods of dance art and the field, and is able to apply them in artistic/creative practice in the field of dance arts. Can locate, organize and interpret information or sources of inspiration relevant to the solution of a defined problem or artistic representation of a given topic. Can use dance terminology and basic technologies of the field and, to the extent appropriate to the field, organize, author-legally, or author-technically secure a public presentation of an artistic performance. He/she is able to coordinate the activities of a creative team in the realisation of an artistic work of a smaller scale and simpler character and to take responsibility for its results, according to the framework assignment and the resources allocated within his/her field. The student is able to incorporate consideration of the ethical dimension of problems into problem solving. He/she is able to communicate clearly and convincingly to professionals and laymen about the nature of professional problems in the field of dance and physical theatre and his/her own opinion on their solution. Is able to collaborate effectively and harmoniously on collective team projects and to summarise the views of other team members in a clear manner. Is able to communicate within the scope of his/her professional knowledge and skills in at least one foreign language. He/she is able to acquire further professional knowledge, skills and competences independently, based primarily on practical experience and its evaluation, but also by independent study of theoretical knowledge in the field.
Pravidla a podmínky pro tvorbu studijních plánů
The basic framework for the conception of study programmes at AMU is created by the AMU Internal Evaluation Rules, specifying the basic principles of accreditation processes.The current practice will be further formally anchored by the emerging AMU Accreditation Regulations: these will set the parameters common to all study programmes taught at AMU and will also transfer part of the responsibility for subject specifications (theatre, music, dance, film/television) to the faculties.
The study plans are created in accordance with the Study and Examination Regulations of the Academy of Performing Arts, which, based on the specifics of higher artistic education, defines the main compulsory subject within the typology of subjects: it is a key artistic (or talent) subject of a profiling basis, for which the assessment is always carried out on a commission basis and which does not allow for the re-attestation. An important role in the assessment system is played in many disciplines by the so-called 'cloistered examination', i.e. the presentation of an artistic output before a committee: the principle is a comprehensive assessment of the student's knowledge and skills acquired in several sub-subjects and applied in a collectively produced work (e.g. in theatre disciplines). Another specificity of the curricula is the flexibility allowed in the distribution of credits (60 ECTS per academic year) between the winter and summer semesters, based in some disciplines on the more significant study and creative load associated with the completion of artistic outputs in the summer semester.
A mandatory part of all study programmes is the theoretical-historical basis of the field of study, in the case of academic programmes in the form of compulsory subjects of a profiling basis co-determining the profile of the graduate and forming part of the state final examination.
Each study plan also includes compulsory completion of discipline-specific English language courses, with a minimum of 6 ECTS per study cycle.
The classification is awarded according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), which was introduced under the Bologna Agreements of 1999 to unify and integrate the higher education system in the European Union.
Courses completed by examination are graded on a scale from A to E (F = fail), with credit/no credit grades used for other courses; a combination of the two attestations is not possible.
The standard length of the lesson is 45 minutes. The basic organizational forms of teaching are lecture, seminar, exercise, workshop, the last three forms of teaching include, to varying degrees, the creation of artistic outputs.
The curriculum automatically assumes prerequisites in the form of sequences of courses, indicated by an ascending number after the course title. This type of prerequisite is not specifically mentioned in Annex BIII for individual courses. If a course has a non-sequential prerequisite, it is explicitly listed in Annex BIII of the course. In the same sense, we do not list prerequisites; these are determined by the mandatory inclusion of the course in a particular year and semester along with other courses. The curriculum does not make use of equivalencies.
Specialization. The ratio of the credit load of the specialization part to the common core is 25%.
The curriculum provides for elective courses in the second and third year; elective courses account for 14 credits out of a total of 180. For example, the following courses will be offered: Dance and Camera, Dancing on Pointe, Repertoire of Folk Dance, Interpretive Practice, Stage Practice, Folk Dance Culture, Dramaturgy of Dance, Dance Analysis, Methodology of Writing Professional Essays, Intermedia and Stage Technology, Historical Dances, Laban's Movement Analysis, Kinetography, etc.
Obecné informace o přijímacím řízení
Knowledge of dance techniques at the mature level of a dance conservatory graduate; pedagogical talent and interest in the field documented by professional pedagogical or artistic practice; knowledge of music theory; overview of the history of art, dance and ballet; general cultural knowledge; stage experience welcomed.
Specific admission requirements:
The admissions proceeding consists of two eliminative rounds:
1st round
The applicant should submit the following materials to the Department of Dance together with the application:
- A professional CV with emphasis on the applicant’s attained level of dance education.
- A cover letter with emphasis on the applicant’s intended focus.
- Documentation of a multiple years’ professional interpretative and/or pedagogical practice in the field.
- A video sample of one the applicant’s own pedagogical performances.
The 1st round will take place in absentia based on the submitted documents. Selected applicants will be invited to the 2nd round of the admissions proceeding.
2nd round
This round will take place in person. Its contents are:
- A test on general and specialist knowledge of dance and music.
- A pedagogical-psychological test.
- A pedagogical performance according to the planned area of focus.
- An interview on specialist pedagogical issues.
Návaznost na další typy studijních programů
Graduates of the Bachelor's degree in dance pedagogy have the opportunity to continue their studies in the follow-up Master's programme of the Department of Dance at HAMU in Prague or other art schools in the Czech Republic and abroad.
Součásti státní závěrečné zkoušky a jejich obsah
The Final State Exam consists of two parts:
- Graduate artistic performance - Pedagogical output (presentation of a lesson on a given topic)
- Written work of at least 20 pages
State final examination
- Defence of the pedagogical output
- Defence of written work
- Oral examination
a. Didactics and Methodology of Dance Education (courses of the main field of study: Pedagogical Proseminar, Dance Education, Didactics and Methodology of DE, Pedagogical Seminar of DE, Dance Education of Children)
b. History of dance and ballet (Overview of the history of dance and ballet, History of dance and ballet in Bohemia, History of ballet in the 20th century, Modern dance trends, Dance after 1945)
c. Educational Psychology (Introduction to Dance Pedagogy, Educational Psychology)
Thematic areas of the oral examination
a. Didactics and methodology of dance education Personality of the teacher and organization of teaching, Structure of a dance lesson for a given age group, Needs, competences and motivations of a child at a given age, Legitimacy of concepts of developmental patterns, Inspirational sources for own teaching, Basic musical concepts and their relation to movement, Approach of the teacher to the musical component in teaching
b. History of dance and ballet. 20th century and the revival of ballet, Expressive dance - the negation of ballet The earliest reports of dance in Bohemia, The formation of theatrical dance culture in the Czech environment, The first permanent theatre scenes in Bohemia, National revival and dance, The formation of Czech ballet life, Czech artistic avant-garde and dance, Dance art in Czechoslovakia after the Second World War, The formation of Czech ballet, The first permanent theatre scenes in Bohemia, The National Revival and dance, The formation of Czech ballet life, The Czech artistic avant-garde and dance, Dance art in Czechoslovakia after the Second World War. World War II, Czech Choreographers after 1945, Czech Dance Art of the 1960s and 1970s, Jiří Kylián and his Choreographic Work
c. Pedagogical Psychology:
Psychology of learning in the educational process, Pedagogical-psychological diagnostics, The pupil and his conception
personality, Dispositional schema - formation of psychological dispositions in the context of internal and external conditions, Self-concept -
basic categories of personality, Motivation, Frustration and stress, Teacher's personality, Task situation and constructive approach to
its organization and arrangement, Creativity
Další studijní povinnosti
Observation in dance departments of elementary art schools, dance ensembles and dance conservatories
Teaching practice at the dance department, or at other dance schools and other institutions
The student creates his/her own professional portfolio during his/her studies, in which he/she continuously adds the results of assignments and independent activities within the main subjects. The finished portfolio is presented during the final state examination in didactics and methodology of their specialisation.
Charakteristika odborné praxe
Předpokládaná uplatnitelnost absolventů (typické pracovní pozice)
A graduate of the Bachelor's degree programme in Dance Pedagogy in the combined form is able to competently teach dance techniques and repertoire specialised according to the chosen curriculum. He/she is prepared to methodically lead dance classes for all ages. He/she can be employed as a dancer, dance teacher, ballet master, repetiteur, assistant choreographer, etc., both in theatres and ballet or dance companies, and in art education.
He or she is also equipped with an overview of dance history and theory, the basics of dance composition, improvisation, choreography, stage practice, dramaturgy and production, so that he or she can pursue artistic creative or organizational work in the field.
Platnost akreditace
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