Film Technology

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
304CFT exam 2 English

Subject guarantor


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The subject provides Department of Cinematography



  1. Introduction - The Beginnings of Cinematography

The historical conditions for the Beginnings of Cinematography, the camera obscura, laterna magica, stroboscope, recording media, the film camera, projector and first public cinematographic presentation.

  1. Principles of recording movement in Cinematography

The physiological and psychological fundamentals of cinematography, the techological foundation of recording movement, stroboscopic events in recording and presentation.

  1. Light

The physical fundamentals of light, its diffusion, circumflexion, diffraction, reflection; heat sources of light radiation, spotlight radiation. Qualitative and quantitative light parameters. Light meters, chromatic warmth, its measurement, converse and correcting filters.

  1. Lighting techniques

Technical and artistic lighting, light characteristics, types of lights.

  1. The film camera, Digital cinema digital camera.

Mechanical parts - shutter speed, film movement mechanism, film magazine, transfer mechanism, camera casing, auxiliary control devices. Optical and Optical-mechanical parts - lenses, zoom, reflex device (viewfinder). Camera drive systems - manual advance, spring drive, motor-driven.

The path of the film in the camera: dividing cameras according to the format of material used, construction, and purpose.

The digital camera; basic requirements and qualitative parameters, construction manners, modern cameras with 2K and 4K resolution.

  1. Optics

Fundamentals of optical imaging. Lenses, zoom, geometric and photometric parameters, specific optical devices.

  1. Image recording in cinematography, formats.

Classic 35mm format. Expanded formats, wide-angle formats, panoramic formats, cinemascope, 70mm, I6mm film. 8mm film, Standard and Super, types of perforation, film attractions.

  1. Film material.

Film basics, the sensitive layer, criteria for evaluation material sensitivity - basics of sensitometry, other film materials - acccording to purpose, according to common sensitivity, according to spectral sensitivity, according to dimensions, manipulations with film materials.

  1. Color image principles in cinematography

The color characteristics of light, additive and subtractive color mixing, arranging colors.

  1. Photolab processing

Technical procedures for developing B/W film - negative, inverse

Technical procedures for developing color film - negative, inverse.

Copying - manners of copying, types of copiers, determining filters, manners of filtering.

  1. The Film lab

Individual parts of the film lab, Technological procedures in producing combined copies from and original negative

  1. Digital Cinematography

The rise of the digital image, the three steps of digitalization, Bayer's interpolation, Color (byte) depth, Dynamic and tonal extent of the image. Technology hybrids and pure digital, digital projection, Digital Cinema initiatives - specifications, Digital Source Master, Digital Cinema Distribution Master, Digital Cinema Package, Super Hi-vision 8K.

  1. Transfer of film to video

Film recording, scanners - prinicples, use, calibration, post-production workplaces, image resolution and aspect ratio, frame frequency, hardware and sofware solutions

  1. Special effects and tricks

Scene and camera tricks

Optical, photographic, laboratory (copying), trick studio.

Some trick production technologies.

Digital trick technology

15. 3D cinematography

Binocular vision, diplopia, horopter, stereoscopic parallax

Prinicple of stereoscopic recording, base and convergence of the optical axis of a lens, zero plane

3D systems - anaglyph, polarized, eclipse method, auto-stereoscopic

  1. Projection techniques, presentation techniques

Psycho-physiological and physical principles of projection, projection machines, film copy, screens, screening room - requirements fo the technical equipment according to purpose, multi-purpose hals, Issues of perspective depiction, illusions of space

Digital projection

  1. Technical tools for camera movement

Dividing movement according to direction and character, the camera track, cranes, stabilization devices, FlyCam, SkyCam

  1. Summary, Discussion

Learning outcomes

This course intends to introduce students with the technical equipment and technology (classical and hybrid joining photochemical film recording with digital formats), which are used in the film industry.

Prerequisites and other requirements

Primary school knowledge of physics and chemistry.


Anton Wilson´s: Cinema Workshop /Hollywood, 1983/



Evaluation methods and criteria

The exam is comprised of 20% written and 80% oral.

Students receive two topics, develop a brief written preparation and demonstrates knowledge in a discussion.



Schedule for winter semester 2024/2025:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

Schedule for summer semester 2024/2025:

room 225
Room No. 225

(Lažanský palác)
(lecture parallel1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Thu 09:00–10:35 Aleš BOŠTIČKA Room No. 225
Lažanský palác
lecture parallel1

The subject is a part of the following study plans