Compulsory electives KP MA

Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule Completion Credits Range Semester
305PXAV AV practice English, Czech Z 5 100P winter and summer
305AIV1 Analysis of Internet video content and its audience 1 Czech Z 2 12S winter
305AIV2 Analysis of Internet video content and its audience 2 Czech Wed
Room No. 334
ZK 3 14S summer
305ATAP Animation in the context of contemporary audiovisual production Czech ZK 2 12SS winter
305SDAV Cooperation with an audiovisual distributor Czech Tue
Room No. 334
ZK 2 14PS summer
305TKDI Creation - culture - dialogues Czech Z 1 36PS winter
305STTV Current trends in foreign TV Czech Mon
Room No. 6
ZK 2 2PT summer
305VTFO Development of TV formats Czech Wed
Room No. 334
ZK 2 2PT summer
305PND Direct and indirect taxes Czech Fri

Room No. 330
ZK 2 20PS summer
305FSG Festival strategies
Czech ZK 2 2ST summer Subject is not scheduled
305FVP1 Funds and public support for cinematography 1
Czech Z 1 2T winter Subject is not scheduled
305FVP2 Funds and public support for cinematography 2
Czech ZK 2 2T summer Subject is not scheduled
206PDV1 Intellectual property rights 1 Czech Thu
Kancelář tajemnice katedry
ZK 3 2T summer
206LAM Leadership and management Czech Z 2 24S
305PAFK Legal and financial aspects of co-production Czech ZK 2 12PS winter
305MEK Macroeconomics Czech Mon
Room No. 6
ZK 2 2T summer
305PXPMA Pedagogical practice MA Czech Z 3 50P winter and summer
305PDD Producer dramaturgy of audiovisual work
Czech Z 1 14S summer Subject is not scheduled
305PPX Producing in practice Czech ZK 2 2ST winter
305PPAV Production work with the subject of an audiovisual artwork Czech Tue
Room No. 334
ZK 2 12PS summer
305PRE Public Relations Czech Wed
Room No. 334
ZK 2 2PT winter
206VPRP Public law in practice Czech ZK 3 2T winter
305QATV QUALITY TV Czech ZK 2 2PT winter
305VDKF Short Film Development and Distribution
Czech ZK 2 14PS summer Subject is not scheduled
305SRU Showrunners English, Czech ZK 2 2T winter
206STZ Strategic management Czech Z 2 2T summer