Simplified study plan Audiovisual Studies - master_2021

Department of Audiovisual Studies

Study programme: Audiovisual Studies

Study type: Continuing Master's Programme

Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | simplified

1st year

Winter semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
373AS7 Audiovisual Seminar 7 Z 1
702FAOU3 English for Students of Film 3 ZK 3
373PR Professional Development 1 Z 3
373SD4 Semester Work 4 Z 4
373SEKS Seminar on Criticism and Stylistics ZK 3
373BTCV7 Technical Training 7 Z 3
373DL7 Workshop 7 Z 4
Required courses credits 21
Required courses (to be passed in any semester of studies)
Code Name Completion Credits
373VP1 Free Practice in a Public Space 1 Z 5
373SS Sound Studies Z 2
373MM2 Thought and Media 2 ZK 2
Credits are taken into account in semester in which the course was accomplished
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Theory of Audiovision - master - CAS
Select from the group PRACTICE OF AUDIOVISION - master - CAS
It is possible to pass the course in any semester of studies

Summer semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
373AS8 Audiovisual Semiknar 8 Z 1
702FAOU4 English for Students of Film 4 ZK 3
373ZAS4 Final Assembly in Poněšice 4 Z 3
373KLZK3 Final Commission 3 ZK 1
373KP3 Final Work 3 Z 3
373DFT2 History of Audiovisual Theory 2 ZK 3
373BTCV8 Technical Training 8 Z 3
373DL8 Workshop 8 Z 4
Required courses credits 21
Required courses (to be passed in any semester of studies)
Code Name Completion Credits
373FAE2 Avant-garde and experimental film 2 ZK 3
373VP1 Free Practice in a Public Space 1 Z 5
Credits are taken into account in semester in which the course was accomplished
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Theory of Audiovision - master - CAS
Select from the group PRACTICE OF AUDIOVISION - master - CAS
It is possible to pass the course in any semester of studies


Suggested number of credits achieved from electives 18
Total number of credits per grade 60

2nd year

Winter semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
373AS9 Audiovisual Seminar 9 Z 1
373DSM1 Diploma Seminar Master 1 Z 1
373APRO1 Graduate Project 1 Z 5
373SD5 Semester Work 5 Z 4
373DL9 Workshop 9 Z 4
Required courses credits 15
Required courses (to be passed in any semester of studies)
Code Name Completion Credits
373VP1 Free Practice in a Public Space 1 Z 5
373SS Sound Studies Z 2
373MM2 Thought and Media 2 ZK 2
Credits are taken into account in semester in which the course was accomplished
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Theory of Audiovision - master - CAS
Select from the group PRACTICE OF AUDIOVISION - master - CAS
It is possible to pass the course in any semester of studies

Summer semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
373UMV Artistic Research ZK 3
373AS10 Audiovisual Seminar 10 Z 1
373DSM2 Diploma Seminar Master Z 2
373ZAS5 Final Assembly in Poněšice 5 Z 3
373APRO2 Graduate Project 2 ZK 10
373PTDP Preparation of theoretical diploma thesis Z 5
373DL0 Workshop 10 Z 4
Required courses credits 28
Required courses (to be passed in any semester of studies)
Code Name Completion Credits
373FAE2 Avant-garde and experimental film 2 ZK 3
373VP1 Free Practice in a Public Space 1 Z 5
Credits are taken into account in semester in which the course was accomplished
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Theory of Audiovision - master - CAS
Select from the group PRACTICE OF AUDIOVISION - master - CAS
It is possible to pass the course in any semester of studies


Suggested number of credits achieved from electives 17
Total number of credits per grade 60