doc. Ing. MgA. Ondřej URBAN, Ph.D.
- Acoustic Measurement (Course guarantor)
- Another industry- subject study (Course guarantor)
- Another industry- subject study (Course guarantor)
- Artistic, professional, scientific and educational activities (Course guarantor)
- Atistic Project
- Avid ProTools 1 (Course guarantor)
- Avid ProTools 2 (Course guarantor)
- Basic Physics and Mathematics (Course guarantor)
- Digital Editing for Sound Design 1
- Digital Editing for Sound Design 2
- Digital Mixing and Mastering 1
- Digital Mixing and Mastering 2 (Course guarantor)
- Disertation - text part
- Disertation - text part
- Dissertation 1
- Dissertation 2
- Dissertation 3
- Dissertation - text part (Course guarantor)
- Electroacoustics 1
- Electroacoustics 2
- Electronic Sound 1 (Course guarantor)
- Electronic Sound 2 (Course guarantor)
- External Recording Practice (Course guarantor)
- Free Sound Design RD 1
- Free Sound Design RD 2
- Free Sound Design RD 3
- Free Sound Design RD 4
- Free Sound Design SD1 (Course guarantor)
- Free Sound Design SD 2 (Course guarantor)
- Free Sound Design SD 3 (Course guarantor)
- Free Sound Design SD 4 (Course guarantor)
- Fundamentals of Electro-Acoustic and Sound Technology 1
- Fundamentals of Electro-Acoustic and Sound Technology 2
- Fundamentals of Electro-Acoustic and Sound Technology 3
- Fundamentals of Electro-Acoustic and Sound Technology 4
- Fundamentals of Sound Technology for Musicians (Course guarantor)
- Music Electronics 1 (Course guarantor)
- Music Electronics 2 (Course guarantor)
- Participation at the Conference A
- Participation at the Conference B
- Pedagogical Project
- Physiological, psychological and musical acoustics
- Preparation of Master´s Thesis SD (Course guarantor)
- Publication Activity A
- Publication Activity B
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Postgraduate Seminar 1
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Postgraduate Seminar 2
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Postgraduate Seminar3
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Practice 1 (Course guarantor)
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Practice 2 (Course guarantor)
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Practice 3 (Course guarantor)
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Practice 4 (Course guarantor)
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Practice 5 (Course guarantor)
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Practice 6 (Course guarantor)
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Practice 7 (Course guarantor)
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Practice 8 (Course guarantor)
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Seminar 1 (Course guarantor)
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Seminar 2 (Course guarantor)
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Seminar 3 (Course guarantor)
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Seminar 4 (Course guarantor)
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Seminar 5 (Course guarantor)
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Seminar 6 (Course guarantor)
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Seminar 7 (Course guarantor)
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Seminar 8 (Course guarantor)
- Sound Design Seminar 1 (Course guarantor)
- Sound Design Seminar 2 (Course guarantor)
- Sound Recording Production (Course guarantor)
- Specialized Postgraduate Subjects
- Specialized Project
- Theory of Sound Design 1 (Course guarantor)
- Theory of Sound Design 2
- Theory of Sound Design 3 (Course guarantor)
- Theory of Sound Design 4 (Course guarantor)
- Theory of Sound Design 5 (Course guarantor)
- Theory of Sound Design 6 (Course guarantor)
- Theory of sound production
- Video Sound Recording Production (Course guarantor)
Diploma thesis led and defended successfully
- BcA. Zázvůrek Jan – Zpěv před mikrofonem
- MgA. Balcar Jan – Tvůrčí přínos zvukové režie při zpracování hudebního snímku
- BcA. Kravařík Jindřich – Umělecké aspekty dynamických úprav signálu v hudebních nahrávkách
- BcA. Kunčar Pavel – Mikrofonování akustických nástrojů při živém ozvučování koncertů
- BcA.MgA. Bejčková Eliška – Zpracování zvuku pomocí volně dostupných zásuvných modulů
- DiS.BcA. Hodan Michal – Srovnání přístupů nahrávání odlišných typů hudby
- MgA. Kravařík Jindřich – Současný stav problematiky hlasitosti zvukového signálu
- MgA. Mužík Miroslav – Problematika malých nahrávacích studií v ČR
- BcA. Sklenář André – Granulární syntéza a její aplikace
- BcA. Vyšínská Hana DiS. – Infrazvuk
- BcA. Navrátil Michal – Systémy přenosu vícekanálového digitálního zvukového signálu
- MgA. Beneš Filip – Normalizace hlasitosti zvukového signálu v digitálních médiích
- Otčenášek Jan Ph.D. – Aspekty barvy zvuku a zvukové kvality
- BcA. Čermák Filip – Pro Tools – historie, možnosti a srovnání s vybranými DAW
- MgA. Jelínková Jana – Formát prostorového zvuku: Dolby Atmos
- MgA. Navrátil Michal – Odposlechové systémy při live ozvučení
- BcA. Velemínský Lukáš – Radiohead a jejich spolupráce s producentem N. Godrichem
- MgA. Vaniš Jan – Vícekanálové formáty pro záznam hudby
- BcA. Yasinski Aliaksandr – Stereofonní záznam akordeonu
- BcA. Sýkora Michal – Digitálne ovládanie audio zariadení
- BcA. Krůšek Josef – Nahrávání bicích nástrojů