Ing. Zdeněk OTČENÁŠEK, Ph.D.
Teacher's web page
- Acoustic (Course guarantor)
- Acoustic (Course guarantor)
- Acoustics (Course guarantor)
- Acoustics of Musical Instruments (Course guarantor)
- Acoustics of Music Instruments and the Human Voice (Course guarantor)
- Atistic Project
- Dissertation 1
- Dissertation 2
- Dissertation 3
- Fundamentals of Psycho-Acoustic Measurement (Course guarantor)
- Introduction to acoustics for Musicians (Course guarantor)
- Musical Acoustics (Course guarantor)
- Musical and Psychological Acoustics 1 (Course guarantor)
- Musical and Psychological Acoustics 2 (Course guarantor)
- Participation at the Conference A
- Participation at the Conference B
- Pedagogical Project
- Physiological, psychological and musical acoustics (Course guarantor)
- Physiological and Psychological Acoustics - Listening
- Psychological Acoustics - Listening Test
- Publication Activity A
- Publication Activity B
- Scientific-Research Minimum
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Postgraduate Seminar 1
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Postgraduate Seminar 2
- Sound Design and Recording Direction Postgraduate Seminar3
- Specialized Project
Diploma thesis led and defended successfully
- MgA. Vetchá Soňa Ph.D. – Vliv sluchových iluzí na vjemy posluchače jako inspirační zdroj skladatele
- Ing. Zýka Karel Ph.D. – Vliv zřetězení parametrů neentropických zvukových kodeků na výsledný subjektivní vjem a následný umělecký dopad
- BcA. Klimeš Jakub – Úvod do problematiky barvy zvuku barokních a moderních houslí
- BcA. Mišejka Juraj – Slovní popis zvukových rozdílů u vybraných profesních skupin