- Acting in Front of a Camera 1
- Bachelor Thesis Consultation
- Circle scenario 1
- Circle scenario 2
- Directing Seminar 1
- Directing Seminar 2
- Directing Seminar 3
- Directing Seminar 4
- Directing Workshop 1
- Directing Workshop 2
- Directing Workshop 3
- Directing Workshop 4
- Directing Workshop 5
- Directing Workshop 6
- Directing Workshop 7
- Directing Workshop 8
- Dramaturgy of the editing composition of Experiment in TV Studio (Course guarantor)
- Elementary Exercise
- Experiment in TV Studio (Course guarantor)
- Film acting (Course guarantor)
- First-Year Directing Workshop 1
- First-Year Directing Workshop 2
- Mass Situation
- Master Thesis Consultation 1
- Monologue-Dialogue-Dissolution-Pit
- More than Scary Movies: Understanding Horror Cinema
- Preparation of graduation film
- Projection of Contemporary Fllm - Film Language 1
- Projection of Contemporary Fllm - Film Language 2
- Projection of Contemporary Fllm - Film Language 2
- Projection of Contemporary Fllm - Film Language 4
- Screenplay for Bachelor Film
- Seminar 3
- The literary development of the film of the second year of KR
- TV Experiment (Course guarantor)
Diploma thesis led and defended successfully
- MUDr. BcA. Hirjak Pavol – Meisnerova herecká technika v teórii a praxi
- BcA. Fridrich Šimon – Budování napětí ve filmech Quentina Tarantina
- MgA. Jeřábek Martin – Zastaralé kategorie