Image narration and current stylization terms 3

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
304EIN3 Z 1 20S anglicky letní

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Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)


Výsledky učení dané vzdělávací složky

Introduction of theory and practice methods of cinematic work analysis focusing on its image component from aesthetic and technology perspectives on examples of significant films from various periods representing various orginal forms, styles and processes.

Forma studia


Předpoklady a další požadavky

Short introduction to film screenings presenting original works and styles of individual cinematographers.

Obsah kurzu

Seminars on contemporary stylization trends for image-based photography will focus primarily on capturing the individual trends by demonstrating the links between contemporary directors and their cameramen.

The individual seminars will consist of four basic parts:

  1. interpretation of individual trends, analysis thereof and placement within the narrative.
  2. samples which should stimulate deep thinking on the issue and support the preceding explanation.
  3. analysis of specific cameramen (including their filmographies), their approaches to the trends concerned and comparison of their work methods.
  4. analysis by students themselves and their views of the issue concerned.

Topics of individual seminars:

  1. Stylization, stylistics, style and other categories of film narration.

Morph, phonem, syntax, development of film narration

Classification of basic trends: Authenticity, Color range, Toning, Format Uses, Movements, Dynamics, Lighting, Digitization.

  1. The authenticity trend

Analyze the possibilities of enhancing authenticity in contemporary film.


Jean-Pierre Dardenne and Luc Dardenne

Jacques Audiard

Paul Greengrass


Barry Acroyd

Harris Savides

Oliver Wood

  1. Trends in motion and image dynamics

Following the trends in authenticity, the following workshop is dedicated story telling through image movements and their trends, which have been establishing increasingly on silver screen in recent years.


Gaspar Noe

Wes Anderson

Alejandro Inárritu


Stéphane Fontaine

Benoît Debie

Robert D. Yeoman

  1. Trends in color and image toning

The options for working with color in the image have been both used and developed ever since color film established itself in the film industry. On one hand, the current technologies extend such options; on the other, they require a more complex approach by the authors themselves.


Wachowski siblings

Guillermo del Toro

Michael Bay


Adam Arkapaw

Dan Laustsen

Seamus McGarvey

Bill Pope

  1. Trends in the use of various image formats

At present, working with individual technology formats from mobile phone photography to IMAX technology is a common thing. The choice of formats also significantly influences the stylization concept of the resulting work and can create the pace of the film's narration.


James Cameron

Ang Lee

David Ayer

Robert Zemeckis


Robert Elswit

Daniel Mindel

Claudio Miranda

John Toll

Roman Vasyanov

  1. Trends in the approach to image lighting

The advent of digital technology has significantly affected the approach to the lighting methods and the creation of light atmospheres.


David Fincher

Tim Burton

Terrence Malick


Jeff Cronenweth

Bruno Delbonnel

Dariusz Wolski

The seminar applies the analysis to the students' own work from the point of view of the image narration.

Doporučená nebo povinná literatura

ECO, Umberto, Teorie sémiotiky. Prague: Argo, 2009. ISBN 978-80-257-0157-7

GAMUT, LTF, Logic, language, and meaning 2 sv. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1991. ISBN 978-0-226-28088-2

SADOUL, Georges, Dějiny filmu. Prague: Orbis, 1958. 486 s.

THOMPSON, Kristin, BORDWELL, David, Dějiny filmu. Prague: Akademie múzických umění, 2007

THOMPSON, Kristin, Storytelling in New Hollywood. New York: Harvard University Press, 1999. ISBN 0-674-83974-9.

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria

  1. compilation of a critical essay on a selected work - a feature film (2000 words).
  2. final analysis of the individual students’ camera work.


The course will be in the form of analyses of examples from the works of various authors in relation to the topic

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