Hide subjects not taught in the current semester
Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER
Tutor completion ECTS range completion ECTS range
309MAAE Adobe After Effects
Czech Z 2 2/D Subject is not scheduled
309MANI Animasophy-Notes toward the theory of animation
English Z 1 4/D Subject is not scheduled
309MAP Animation in Practice
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
309MVSA Artists in the world of animators - animators in the world of artists Czech Z 1 3S
309MVVD Development, production and distribution of animated film
Czech Z 1 1/D Subject is not scheduled
309MSAF Editing Animated Film
Czech ZK 2 1/D Subject is not scheduled
309MNFL Hand-held puppets vs animation lecture and workshop with Radek Beran and Martin Máj
Czech Z 1 3/D Subject is not scheduled
309MJPP How to present own project
Czech Z 1 6S Subject is not scheduled
309MWJS Modul: Workshop with John Stevenson
English Z 1 3S Subject is not scheduled
305MHB Music bank and its use in film practice Czech 10:00–14:00
Z 1 2S
309MTBR TOON BOOM character design and rigging
Czech Z 2 4/D Subject is not scheduled
309MVPAP Visualization of psycho-acoustic space
Czech Z 1 1/D Subject is not scheduled
309MBPA Will computers animate for us? Czech Z 1