Dramaturgická tvorba 2
Kód | Zakončení | Kredity | Rozsah | Jazyk výuky | Semestr |
201EDR2 | ZK | 4 | 4T | anglicky | letní |
Garant předmětu
Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)
Výsledky učení dané vzdělávací složky
Znalosti a dovednosti, získané na bakalářském stupni studia dramaturgie, jsou dovršeny samostatnou tvůrčí prací. Studenti režie a dramaturgie společně vybírajíí tituly a sestavují dramaturgický plán školního divadla Disk. Přitom musí nejen usilovat o vyjádření svého postoje k světu a divadlu, ale také zohledňovat limity, dané možnostmi hereckého obsazení a nutností zajistit kvalitní práci pro celý herecký ansámbl svých spolužáků. Procházejí výcvikem v podmínkách, které simulují provoz běžného profesionálního činoherního divadla. Přitom nepřestávají prohlubovat své vzdělanostní zázemí a schopnost reflexe divadelního představení, tak aby možnosti jejich budoucího profesionálního uplatnění byly co nejširší.
- Tvorba dramaturgického plánu a dramaturgie jednotlivých titulů ve školním divadle Disk, které je modelem provozu profesionálního činoherního divadla.
- Literární příprava uváděného dramatického textu a tvorba dramaturgicko-režijní koncepce.
- Písemná reflexe zkušebního procesu inscenace a jejího výsledku, včetně diváckých ohlasů.
Forma studia
Semináře, příprava Diskových inscenací, písemná reflexe zkušebního procesu.
Předpoklady a další požadavky
Znalosti oboru dramaturgie na úrovni úspěšně složené bakalářské zkoušky.
Obsah kurzu
Předmět, v magisterském stupni určený studentům režie, dovršuje studium předchozích let samostatnou prací na absolventských představeních. Významnou součástí jsou písemné reflexe vlastní zkušenosti v seminárních pracích, vrcholící pak prací diplomovou. Výuka probíhá v následujících etapách:
- Hledání vhodných textů pro konkrétní tvůrčí tým a herecké obsazení.
- Dramaturgická příprava konkrétního titulu, jeho analýza a interpretace.
- Tvorba dramaturgicko-režijní koncepce.
- Literární práce na konkrétním textu: krácení, revize překladu, úpravy, adaptace, dramatizace.
- Reflexe zkušebního procesu, dovršená písemným záznamem.
Doporučená nebo povinná literatura
Pavis, Patrice - Dictionary of the theatre
Artaud, Antonin - The theater and its double
Bakhtin, M.M. - The dialogic imagination: four essays
Barba, Eugenio - The paper canoe: a guide to theatre anthropology
Bentley, Eric - The Life of the Drama
Bentley, Eric - The Theory of the Modern Stage: an introduction to modern theatre and drama
Bentley, Eric - What is Theatre?
Bowlt, J.E. - Russian art of avant-garde: theory and criticism: 1902-1934
Clark, B.H. - European theories of the drama with a supplement on the American drama
Elam, Keir - The Semiotics of Theatre and Drama
Fortier, Mark - Theory/Theatre: an introduction
Gajdoš, Július - From Drama Technique to Scenology
Ali, Moi - The DIY guide to public relations: [for charities voluntary organisations and community groups]
Älschitz, Jurij - 40 Questions of One Role: a method for the actor's self-preparation
Alschitz, Jurij - The Vertical of the Role: a method for the actor's self-preparation
Alschitz, Jurij - Training forever!
Aronson, Arnold - American avant-garde theatre: a history
Aronson, Arnold - Looking into the abyss: essays on scenography
Artaud, Antonin - The theater and its double
Astington, John H. - English court theatre: 1558-1642
Bakhtin, M.M. - The dialogic imagination: four essays
Baldwin, Peter - Toy theatres of the world
Ballet and modern dance
Barba, Eugenio - The paper canoe: a guide to theatre anthropology
Barton, John - Playing Shakespeare: an actor´s guide
Bartow, Arthur- Training of the American actor
Baur-Heinhold, Margarete - Baroque theatre
Baygan, Lee - Techniques of Three-Dimensional Makeup
Bennett, Susan - Theatre audiences: a theory of production and reception
Bentley, Eric - The Life of the Drama
Bentley, Eric - The Theory of the Modern Stage: an introduction to modern theatre and drama
Bentley, Eric - What is Theatre?
Bergan, Ronald - The Great Theatres of London
Bernstein, Joanne Scheff - Arts marketing insights: the dynamic of building and retaining performing arts audiences
Bial, Henry - The performance studies reader
Bicât, Tina; Baldwin, Chris (ed.) - Devised and Collaborative Theatre
Bigsby, Christopher - A critical introduction to twentieth-century American drama. [Volume] 3, Beyond Brodway
Bigsby, Christopher - Modern American drama 1945-2000
Bílková, Marie; Adamczyk, Vladimír - A mirror of world theatre: the Prague Quadrennial 1967 and 1991
Blum, Daniel - A pictorial history of the American theatre: 1900-1956
Boal, Augusto - Games for actors and non-actors
Bogart, Anne - A director prepares: seven essays on art and theatre
Bowlt, J.E. - Russian art of avant-garde: theory and criticism: 1902-1934
Brandesky, Joe (ed.) - Czech theatre design in the twentieth century: metaphor and irony revisited
Brandon, James R. (ed.) - The Cambridge Guide to Asian Theatre
Braun, Edward - Meyerhold: a revolution in theatre
Brazell, Karen - Traditional Japanese theatre: an anthology of plays
Brecht, Stefan - The Original Theatre of the City of New York
Brockett, Oscar G.; Hildy, Franklin J. - History of the theatre [2008]
Brook, Peter - The Empty Space [1969]
Brook, Peter - The Empty Space [1996]
Buchman, Herman - Stage Makeup
Burian, Jarka - Leading creators of twentieth-century Czech theatre
Burian, Jarka - Modern czech theatre: reflector and conscience of a nation
Celentano, Suzanne Carmack; Marshall, Kevin - Theatre management: a successful guide to producing plays on commercial and non-profit stages
Clark, B.H. - European theories of the drama with a supplement on the American drama
Clurman, Harold - The naked image: observations on the modern theatre
Colbert, François - Marketing culture and the arts
Corey, Irene - The mask of reality: an approach to design for theatre
Coward, Noël - Future indefitite: with the unfinished Past Conditional
Craig, Edward Gordon - On the art of the theatre [1957]
Craig, Edward Gordon - On the art of the theatre [2009]
Crossley, Michele L. - Introducing narrative psychology: self, trauma and the construction of meaning
CZ/PL: divadlo po rekonstrukci: teatr po przebudowie: the theatre after the reconstruction
Čechov, Michail Alexandrovič - The path of the actor
Čechov, Michail Alexandrovič - To the actor: on the technique of acting
Décorateurs de théatre Tchécoslovaques 1960-1970
Deren, Maya - Divine horsemen: the living gods of Haiti
Diggins, John Patrick - Eugene O´Neill´s America: desire under democracy
Diggle, Keith - Arts marketing
Docherty, Peter; White, Tim (ed.) - Design for performance: from Diaghilev to the Pet Shop Boys
Donnellan, Declan - The actor and the target
Earl, John - British theatres and music halls
Edström, Per - Why not theaters made for people?
Elam, Keir - The Semiotics of Theatre and Drama
Ellmeier, Andrea; Rasky, Bela - Differing diversities: eastern European perspectives: transversal study on the theme of cultural policy and cultural diversity: phase
Eva Farkašová: cesty, paths, Wege
Evans, G. Blakemore - Elizabethan-Jacobean drama: the theatre in its time
Evans, Mark - Jacques Copeau
Eyre, Richard - National service: diary of a decade at the national theatre
Eysteinsdóttir, Kristín (ed.) - Theatre in Iceland 2002-2004
Farber, Donald C. - Producing theatre: a comprehensive and legal business guide
Fencl, Otakar - The Czechoslovak theatre today
Finnegan, Ruth - Oral traditions and the werbal arts: a guide to research practise
Fischer-Lichte, Erika - Theatre, sacrifice, ritual: exploring forms of political theatre
Flanagan, Joan - Successful fundraising: a complete handbook for volunteers and professionals
Flint, Michael F. - A user's guide to copyright
Fo, Dario - The Tricks of the Trade
Fortier, Mark - Theory/Theatre: an introduction
Gajdoš, Július - From Drama Technique to Scenology
Gale, Maggie B. and Barker, Clive (ed.) - British theatre between the wars: 1918-1939
Gallerová, Vlasta; Ptáčková, Věra; Machalický, Jiří - Jaroslav Malina
Gaskill, William - A Sense of direction
Gassner, John - A Treasury of the theatre: from Henrik Ibsen to Arthur Miller: rev. ed. for colleges
Gassner, John - The theatre in our times: a survey of the men, materials and movements in the modern theatre
Gassner, John; Allen, Ralph G. - Theatre and Drama in the Making
Geever, Jane C.; McNeill, Patricia - Guide to Proposal Writing
Gilmore, James H.; Pine, B. Joseph - The Experience economy: work is theatre & every business a stage
Goldberg, Rose Lee - Performance art: from futurism to the present [1988]
Goldberg, Rose Lee - Performance art: from futurism to the present [2001]
Gordon, Robert - The purpose of playing: modern acting theories in perspective
Grazia, Margreta de; Wells, Stanley (ed.) - Shakespeare
Grotowski, Jerzy - Towards a poor theatre
Hartley, John (ed.) - Creative Industries
Hartnoll, Phyllis - A concise history of the theater: 262 illustrations, 34 in colour
Hauser, Frank; Reich, Russell - Notes on Directing: 130 Lessons in Leadership from the Director`s Chair
Hazlitt, William - A view of the English stage: or a series of dramatic criticism (1906)
Heilbrun, James; Gray, Charles M. - The economics of art and culture
Herbert, Ian; Stefanova, Kalina (ed.) - Thetare and humanism ina world of violence
Herrick, James A. - The history and theory of rhetoric: an introduction
Hodge, Alison - Twentieth century actor training [2007]
Holdsworth, Nadine - Joan Littlewood
Hopkins, Albert A. - Magic: stage illusions, special effects and trick protography
Hüsken, Wim and Eisenbichler, Konrad (ed.) - Carnival and the carnivalesque: the fool, the reformer, the wildman, and others in early modern theatre
Chambers, Colin - Inside the Royal Shakespeare Company: creativity and the institution
Chorpenning, Charlotte B. - The twenty-one years with children´s theatre
Innes, Christopher - Avant Garde Theatre: 1892 - 1992
Innes, Christopher - Edward Gordon Craig - a Vision of Theatre
Innes, Christopher - Modern British drama: the twentieth century
Jackson, Russell - Victorian theatre: the theatre in its time
Johnstone, Keith - Impro for Storytellers: Theatresports and the Art of Making Things Happen
Johnstone, Keith - IMPRO: improvisation and the Theatre
Kaye, Nick - Postmodernism and performance
Kaye, Nick - Site-specific art: performance, place and documentation
Kazda, Jaromír - A Guide to the history of czech theatre
Kazda, Jaromír - A Guide to the history of czech theatre
Keefe, John; Murray, Simon - Physical theatres: a critical introduction
Keefe, John; Murray, Simon - Physical theatres: a critical reader
Kelly, Thomas A. - The Back stage guide to stage management
Kitchin, Laurence - Mid-Century Drama
Klein, Naomi - No space, no choice, no jobs, no logo
Kolankiewicz, Leszek (ed.) - On the road to active culture: the activities of Grotowski's Theatre Laboratory Institute in the years 1970-1977: [paper prep. in advance for participants in Symposium Milano, November - December 79]
Komissarževskij, B. - Moscow theatres
Krasner, David (ed.) - Method acting reconsidered: theory, practice, future
Kuhns, David F. - German expressionist theatre: the actor and the stage
Kurz, Iwona; Mencwel, Andrzej; Godlewski, Grzegorz (ed.) - Culture animation: looking back and forward
Kustow, Michael - Peter Brook: a biography
Lahr, John (ed.) - The diaries of Kenneth Tynan
Lajcha, Ladislav - Hommage to scenography 1920-2000
Langley, Stephen - Theatre management and production in America: commercial, stock, resident, college, community and presenting organizations
Langley, Stephen; Conte, David M. - Theatre management: producing and managing the performing arts
Language, Society and Power: An introduction
Lawson, Joan - Mime: the theory and practice of expressive gesture with a description of its historical developtmen
Lecoq, Jacques - The moving body: teaching creative theatre
Lecoq, Jacques; Bradby, David - Theatre of movement and gesture
Lewis, Justin; Miller, Toby (ed.) - Critical cultural policy studies: a reader
Lewis, Robert - Advice to the players
Linklater, Kristin - Freeing the natural voice
Luere, Jeane - Playwright Versus Director: Authorial Intentions and Performance Interpretations
Mamet, David Alan - Three uses of the knife: on the nature and purpose of drama
Mander, Raymond; Mitchenson, Joe - A picture history of the British theatre
Maťašík, Andrej - Slovak theatre [1997]
Maťašík, Andrej - Slovak theatre [1998]
Mattingly, Cheryl - Healing dramas and clinical plots: the narrative structure of experience
McClean, Daniel; Schubert, Karsten (ed.) - Dear images: art, copyright and culture
Medieval English theatre
Meinhof, Ulrike Hanna; Triandafyllidou, Anna - Transcultural Europe: cultural policy in a changing Europe
Merchant, W. Moelwyn - Shakespeare and the Artist
Merlin, Bella - Beyond Stanislavsky: the psycho-physical approach to actor training
Miholová, Kateřina - Ubu the King: Jarry & Grossman & Fára. Theatre on the Balustrade, 1964-1968. An Interactive Reconstruction
Miller, Judith G. - Ariane Mnouchkine
Miller, Toby; Yúdice, George - Cultural policy
Miloš Karásek
Mitter, Shomit - Systems of Rehearsal. Stanislavsky, Brecht, Grotowski and Brook
Moody, Jane and O´Quinn, Daniel (ed.) - The Cambridge Companion to British theatre: 1730-1830
Morash, Chris - A history of Irish theatre: 1601-2000
Morris, Eric - Acting from the ultimate consciousness
Nachmanovitch, Stephen - Free play: improvisation in life and art
Nánay, István; Tompa, Andrea - Hungarian Theatre at the Millennium
Nicoll, Allardyce - British drama: an historical survey from the beginnings to the present time
Nicoll, Allardyce - Stuart masques and the Renaissance stage
Nicoll, Allardyce - World Drama from Aeschylus to Anouilh
Nietzsche, Friedrich - The complete works of Friedrich Nietzsche: the first complete and authorised English translation. Volume three, The birth of tragedy
Oddey, Alison - Devising Theatre: a practical and theoretical Handbook
Oddey, Alison; White, Christine - The Potentials of Spaces: the theory and practice of scenography & performance
Ortolani, Benito - The Japanese theatre: from shamanistic ritual to contemporary pluralism
Pallen, Thomas A. - Vasari on Theatre
Parker, W. Oren; Smith, Harvey K.; Wolf, R. Craig - Scene design and stage lightning
Pavis, Patrice - Theatre at the crossroads of culture
Percival, John - Experimental Dance
Poláčková, Dagmar; Mojžišová, Iva - Slovenská divadelná scénografia 1920-2000
Prentki, Tim and Preston, Sheila (ed.) - The applied theatre reader
Promoting issues and ideas: a guide to public relations for nonprofit organizations
Quinn, Michael L. - The Semiotic stage: prague school theatre theory
Rähesoo, Jaak - Estonian theatre
Reiss, Alvin H. - Cash in!: funding and promoting the arts
Reiss, Alvin H. - Don't just applaud - send money!: the most successful strategies for funding and marketing the arts
Rentschler, Ruth (ed.) - Innovative arts marketing
Ridout, Nicholas; Kelleher, Joe - Contemporary theatres in Europe: a critical companion
Robb, David - Clowns, fools and picaros: popular forms in theatre, fiction and film
Roberts, Philip - The Royal Court Theatre and the Modern Stage
Rojek, Chris - Celebrity
Roose-Evans, James - Experimental theatre from Stanislavsky to Peter Brook
Rowntree, Julia - Changing the performance: a companion guide to arts, business and civic engagement
Rudlin, John - Commedia dell´arte: an actor´s handbook
Rudlin, John; Crick, Olly - Commedia dell´arte: a handbook for troupes
Savarese, Nicola; Barba, Eugenio (ed.) - A Dictionary of theatre anthropology: the secret art of the performer. Second edition
Scott, A. C. - The classical theatre of China
Seabrook, John - NoBrow: the culture of marketing the marketing of culture
Shagan, Rena - Booking & tour management for the performing arts
Scheff, Joane; Kotler, Philip - Standing room only: strategies for marketing the performing arts
Schechner, Richard - Performance studies: an introduction
Schechner, Richard - Performance studies: an introduction. Second edition
Schechner, Richard - Performance theory [2005]
Schechner, Richard - The future of ritual: wrtings on culture and performance
Siegfried, W. - Theatre, opera, ballet in Rumania
Sierz, Aleks - The theatre of Martin Crimp
Simonson, Lee - The stage is set
Smith, Chris - Creative Britain
Sorelius, Gunnar - Shakespere´s early comedies
Sorell, Walter - The Dance through the ages
Southern, Richard - The Seven Ages of the Theater
Southern, Richard - The staging of plays before Shakespeare
Spolin, Viola - Improvisation for the theater: a handbook of teaching and directing techniques
Stanislavski, Constantin - An actor´s handbook: an alphabetical arrangement of concise statements on aspects of acting
Stanislavski, Constantin - An actor´s work: a student´s diary
Stanton, Sarah; Banham, Martin - The Cambridge Paperback Guide to Theatre
Steiner, George - The Death of tragedy
Šormová, Eva; Eynat-Confino, Irene (ed.) - Space and the postmodern stage
Taylor, Diana - The archive and the repertoire: performing cultural memory in the americas
Taylor, Millie - British Pantomime Performance
The theater of the Bauhaus [1961]
The Theatre in front of the curtain
The theatre of the Bauhaus [1996]
The U.S. theater: past and present
Theatre profiles 10: the illustrated guide to America's nonprofit professional theatre
Thomas, James Michael - Script analysis for actors, director and designers
Three decades OISTAT
Tonkin, Elisabeth - Narrating our pasts: the social construction of oral history
Toshio, Kawatake - Kabuki: baroque fuszon of the arts
Towse, Ruth - A Handbook of cultural economics
Turner, Victor - The anthropology of performance
Turner, Victor Witter - From ritual to theatre: the human seriousness of play
Unwin, Stephen - So you want to be a theatre director?
Vansina, Jan - Oral tradition as history
Volz, Jim - How to run a Theatre: a Witty, Practical, and Fun Guide to Arts Management
Warre, Michael - Designing and making stage scenery
Warshow, Robert - The immediate experience: movies, comics, theatre and other aspects of popular culture
Wilbur, Robert H. - The complete guide to nonprofit management
Wilmeth, Don B. - The Cambridge Guide to American Theatre
Wilson, Stephen - Information arts: intersections of art, science and technology
Wolford, Lisa; Schechner, Richard (ed.) - The Grotowski sourcebook [1997]
Wood, David; Grant, Janet - Theatre for children: guide to writing, adapting, directing
Young, Joyce; Wyman, Ken; Swaigen, John - Fundraising for nonprofit groups
Zarrilli, Phillip B. - Psychophysical acting: an intercultural approach after Stanislavski
Hodnoticí metody a kritéria
Podmínky úspěšného ukončení předmětu: aktivní účast na seminářích, zpracování a průběžná prezentace dílčích tvůrčích úkolů, systamatická a dovršená příprava absolventského představení. Během semestru se vyžaduje samostatná četba a aktivní účast v diskusích na seminářích, minimálně 70% účast. Celkové hodnocení se skládá ze 30 % z hodnocení aktivity na seminářích a 70 % tvorba dramaturgicko-režijní koncepce absolventského představení a jeho písemná reflexe.
Rozvrh na zimní semestr 2020/2021:
Rozvrh zatím není připraven
Rozvrh na letní semestr 2020/2021:
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Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů
- Režie činoherního divadla v angličtině (M.A.) (povinný předmět hlavní)