CDM Boot Camp 1

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311BOO1 Z 1 18S anglicky zimní

Garant předmětu


Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)


Výsledky učení dané vzdělávací složky

The purpose of the exercise is to teach the students the basics of on-set directing as well as the basics of visual storytelling. Therefore the equipment has to be minimal to take away any technical complications which are not needed. The camera should be a Canon 7D with a basic lens set. A tripod and a simple Rode mic attached to the camera. All other equipment (such as lights, rigs, etc) are forbidden as they will distract from the purpose of the workshop.

Forma studia


Předpoklady a další požadavky


Obsah kurzu

The CDM 1st Year Boot Camp is conceived to offer the new master students training on the core and essential directing skills that will be key for the further projects and exercises they will face as part of their program. The premise of the Boot Camp is to supplement the first semester Dialogue exercise of the CDM 1st year students and go through the basics of directing and storytelling using the scene that the students are developing in their Directing mentorship. The students will come with the first act of their Dialogue exercise, which will be analyzed, storyboarded, prepared, shot, edited and then discussed.

The Boot Camp will take part during 4 sessions. This is estimated with 6 students participating. Each module will consist of:

-1st Friday session (6h approx.): Visual and beat breakdown of their scene; storyboarding of the scene; pre-planning for the shoot.

-2nd Friday session (6h approx.): First students shoot their storyboarded scene under the supervision of Priit and Valerio.

-3rd Saturday session (6h approx.): Second group of students shoot their storyboarded scene under the supervision of Priit and Valerio.

-4th Friday session (6h approx.): Watching of the edited footage and analysis of its elements.

No student will shoot until he/she has an approved storyboard. The storyboard drawing and conception will happen in class and will be the object of critique and discussion.

The Boot Camp will also address elementary “on set” approaches a director should know, which will be supervised and commented on by the mentors.

What also will be discussed in introductory terms are pre-production issues connected with planning the shoot, scheduling, call sheets and the job of the AD. This includes preparing the required documentation, in a mock-fashion for larger shoots.

The students will always be in company and guidance of the mentors, who will supervise and advise in all the stages implied in the execution of the exercises. The shooting will take place in the FAMU classrooms and corridors, under special circumstances outside near the FAMU building if the situation needs it and permissions are possible.

Doporučená nebo povinná literatura


Hodnoticí metody a kritéria

100% attendance and successful completion of a practical exercise



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Rozvrh na letní semestr 2020/2021:

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