Optional Study Subjects

Hide subjects not taught in the current semester
Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER
Tutor completion ECTS range completion ECTS range
205IUP Art and Educative Projects Czech Z 1 22S Z 1 22S
205ADV1 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 1
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205ADV2 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 2
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205ZAK1 Basic of Acrobatics
Czech Z 1 Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205DESV Children's Scene - elective Czech Z 2 50S
205DES1 Children's Scene 1
Czech Z 3 50S Subject is not scheduled
205CPE Circus Pedagogy Czech Z 1 20CS Z 1 20CS
205KLS Clinical Intership
Czech Subject is not scheduled
205XTP1 Creative writitng
Czech Z 2 20S Subject is not scheduled
205KDR1 Criticism of Children's Theatre and Recitation 1
Czech Z 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205KDR2 Criticism of Children's Theatre and Recitation 2
Czech ZK 5 10S Subject is not scheduled
205XRP1 Directing work with children Czech Z 2 20S
205PDV Drama - optional
Czech Z 1 Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205TVK1 Drama Center Design 1
Czech Z 2 25S Subject is not scheduled
205XDVP1 Drama Education in Professional Theatre Czech Z 1 15S Z 1 15S
205DVS Drama Education with Seniors
Czech Z 1 20S Z 1 20S Subject is not scheduled
205DAS Drama Education with Seniors
Czech Z 3 Z 3 Subject is not scheduled
205DVD1 Drama at School 1 Czech Z 3 50S
205DVJ Drama in Education at School Czech Z 2 50S
205DVVDP Drama in Education in Volunteering Czech Z 2 20S Z 2 20S
205DVON Drama in Education online Czech Z 2 10SS+20P Z 2 10SS+20P
205DVM1 Drama in education with preschool children
Czech Z 1 Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205LIT Dramatic Literature Course
Czech Z 1 Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205FDV Film and Drama in Education Czech Z 1 Z 1
205IKD1 Integrative Creative Workshop - Handicap and Crisis as Challenge to Creativity 1 Czech Z 1 30S
205IKD2 Integrative Creative Workshop - Handicap and Crisis as Challenge to Creativity 2
Czech ZK 3 30S Subject is not scheduled
205MPOTP Methodical Support - Program Creation Czech Z 3 30S Z 3 30S
205PAN1 Pantomime 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205PAN2 Pantomime 2
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205PDP Preparation of Theatrical Festival - optional Czech Z 2
205PEVVV Professional Ethics elective Czech Z 1 20S Z 1 20S
205PAV1 Psychological Aspects of Instruction
Czech Z 2 15S Subject is not scheduled
205PSY Psychosomatic Worskhop
Czech Z 1 Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205LOT1 Puppet Theatre Techniques 1 Czech Z 1 10S
205LOT2 Puppet Theatre Techniques 2
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205TLU1 Puppet Theatre Technology 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205TLU2 Puppet Theatre Technology 2
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205LPN1 Puppetry Propaedeutic - Animation 1
Czech Z 1 10S Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205REC Recitation - elective
Czech Z 1 Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205PEN1 Recitation 1
Czech ZK 2 15S Subject is not scheduled
205PEN2 Recitation 2
Czech ZK 3 15S Subject is not scheduled
205PHV1 Singing and Voice Training 1
Czech Z 1 12S Subject is not scheduled
205PHV2 Singing and Voice Training 2
Czech Z 1 15S Subject is not scheduled
205MLV Speech training Czech Z 1 Z 1
205IPD Staging process with children
Czech Z 1 Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205XST1 Storytelling
Czech Z 1 15S Subject is not scheduled
205VLP1 Texts and Topics for Drama and Theatre with Children 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205VLP2 Texts and Topics for Drama and Theatre with Children 2
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DFO1 Theatre Forum
Czech Z 2 20S Subject is not scheduled
205PDP1 Theatre Showcase Prep 1
Czech Z 2 25S Subject is not scheduled
205PDP2 Theatre Showcase Prep 2
Czech Z 2 25S Subject is not scheduled
205DDL1 Theatre Workshop 1
Czech Z 1 48S Z 1 48S Subject is not scheduled
205DDL2 Theatre Workshop 2
Czech ZK 3 60S Subject is not scheduled
205DPE1 Theatre for Children 1
Czech Z 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DPD1 Theatre for Children 1
Czech Z 3 20S Subject is not scheduled
205DPE2 Theatre for Children 2
Czech ZK 5 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DND Theatre for toddlers and young children
Czech Subject is not scheduled
205DVV Theatre in Education - Elective
Czech Z 1 10S Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DSI1 Theatrical Sports and Improvisation 1 Czech Z 2 10S
205DSI2 Theatrical Sports and Improvisation 2
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205MYS1 Thoughts About Drama 1 Czech Z 1 8S Z 1 8S
205HV10 Voice Education - Individ. 10
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205HV3 Voice Education - Individ. 3
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205HV5 Voice Education - Individ. 5
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205HV7 Voice Education - Individ. 7
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205HV8 Voice Education - Individ. 8
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205HV9 Voice Education - Individ. 9
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205MLS Youth Stage Czech Z 1