Hide subjects not taught in the current semester
Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER
Tutor completion ECTS range completion ECTS range
101PMHP1 Advanced methods of musical programming, synthesis and live electronics 1 Czech Z 3 3T
101PMHP2 Advanced methods of musical programming, synthesis and live electronics 2 Czech ZK 3 3T
373REK Applying Aesthetic Categories in Film Czech ZK 2 2PT
373ITT1 Art and Technology of Intermedia 1 Czech ZK 3 6T
373ITT2 Art and Technology of Intermedia 2 Czech Fri
Institut intermédií - Dejvice
ZK 3 6T
304RK Camera Language
Czech Z 2 2T Subject is not scheduled
306KDSS Chapters from the History of Film Editing Czech Thu
Room No. 311
Z 2 2PT
306KDSS1 Chapters from the History of Film Editing 1 Czech Thu
Room No. 311
Z 2 2PT
306KDSS2 Chapters from the History of Film Editing 2 Czech Thu
Room No. 311
Z 2 2PT
306KDSS3 Chapters from the History of Film Editing 3 Czech Thu
Room No. 311
Z 2 2PT
306VP Character Czech Z 2 26PS
373SF1 Contemporary Philosophy 1 Czech Z 2 2PT
373SF2 Contemporary Philosophy 2 Czech Mon
FF UK - učebna 217
Z 2 2PT
311CTP1 Cultural Topography of Prague 1 English Z 1 30S
311CTP2 Cultural Topography of Prague 2
English Z 1 25S Subject is not scheduled
303KD1 Documentary: Consultation Workshop 1 Czech Z 1 9S
303KD2 Documentary: Consultation Workshop 2 Czech Z 1 9S
301VD Dramaturgy and Development for TV Czech Z 2 2T
305EK1 Economics 1 - Microeconomics Czech ZK 2 2T
306OS1 Editing Department Seminar 1 Czech Z 1 26S
306OS2 Editing Department Seminar 2 Czech Tue
Projection Room
Z 1 26S
306OS3 Editing Department Seminar 3 Czech Z 1 26S
306OS4 Editing Department Seminar 4 Czech Tue
Projection Room
Z 1 26S
306OS5 Editing Department Seminar 5 Czech Z 1 26S
306OS6 Editing Department Seminar 6 Czech Tue
Projection Room
Z 1 26S
306OS7 Editing Department Seminar 7 Czech Z 1 26S
306OS8 Editing Department Seminar 8 Czech Tue
Projection Room
Z 1 26S
306KD1 Editing: Consultation Workshop 1 Czech Z 1 9S
306KD2 Editing: Consultation Workshop 2 Czech Z 1 9S
373EF Experimental Film
Czech ZK 3 4T Subject is not scheduled
303FS Festival Strategy Czech Wed
Room No. 217
Z 2 16S
373SAF Film Analysis Seminar Czech Z 1 33SS Z 1 33SS
373FA Film Avant-garde
Czech ZK 3 4T Subject is not scheduled
304FIL1 Film Laboratory 1 Czech ZK 2 2T
306FH Film Music
Czech Z 2 12S Subject is not scheduled
308PTFIZ3 Film Sound Technology and Methods 3 Czech Z 1 2T
304FITE Film Technology Czech ZK 2 2T
308FZ Film and Life
Czech Z 1 14S Z 1 14S Subject is not scheduled
373VU1 Fine Arts 1 Czech ZK 2 2PT
373VU2 Fine Arts 2 Czech Thu
Room No. 2
ZK 2 2PT
373DVU1 History and Theory of Visual Arts and Architecture 1
Czech Z 1 2PT Subject is not scheduled
373DVU2 History and Theory of Visual Arts and Architecture 2
Czech ZK 3 2PT Subject is not scheduled
373DVU3 History and Theory of Visual Arts and Architecture 3
Czech Z 1 2PT Subject is not scheduled
373DVU4 History and Theory of Visual Arts and Architecture 4
Czech ZK 3 2PT Subject is not scheduled
373DVU5 History and Theory of Visual Arts and Architecture 5 Czech Z 1 2PT
373DVU6 History and Theory of Visual Arts and Architecture 6 Czech Thu
Room No. 7
ZK 3 2PT
373DFT1 History of Audiovisual Theory 1
Czech ZK 3 12PS + 12SS Subject is not scheduled
373DFT2 History of Audiovisual Theory 2
Czech ZK 3 14PS + 14SS Subject is not scheduled
308DH1 History of Music 1 Czech Z 1 2T
308DH2 History of Music 2 Czech Wed
ZK 2 2T
373IS1 Imaginary Worlds 1 Czech ZK 2 2PT
373IS2 Imaginary Worlds 2 Czech Thu
Room No. 1
ZK 2 2PT
308IZT Interactive sound creation
Czech Subject is not scheduled
300ZS1 International Exchange 1
Czech Z 1 Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
300ZS10 International Exchange 10
Czech Z 10 Z 10 Subject is not scheduled
300ZS2 International Exchange 2
Czech Z 2 Z 2 Subject is not scheduled
300ZS3 International Exchange 3
Czech Z 3 Z 3 Subject is not scheduled
305PR1 Law 1 Czech ZK 3 2T
305PR2 Law 2 Czech Tue
Room No. 1
ZK 3 2T
305PR3 Law 3 Czech ZK 3 2T ZK 3 2T
301LF1 Literature in Film 1 Czech Z 1 3T
301LF2 Literature in Film 2 Czech see detail ZK 2 3T
303VPD1 Means of Expression in Documentary Film 1 Czech Z 1 2T
303VPD2 Means of Expression in Documentary Film 2 Czech Mon
Room No. 211
ZK 2 2T
373NMNK Minimalism in Narrative Cinematography Czech ZK 2 4T
301MCL1 Modern Literature 1 Czech Mon
Room No. 4
Z 1 2T
306RMK1 Multiculturality in Cinematography 1
Czech Z 2 24S Subject is not scheduled
306RMK2 Multiculturality in Cinematography 2
Czech ZK 2 24S Subject is not scheduled
373HV Music and Visuality: The History of Music in the Context of Perception Development Czech Mon
ZK 2 2PT
373DNM1 New Media History 1 English, Czech ZK 3 4PT
373DNM2 New Media History 2 Czech Wed
Room No. 423
ZK 3 4PT
303OS1 Open Seminar 1 Czech Z 1 2T
303OS2 Open Seminar 2 Czech Z 1 2T
306PD1 Practical Dramaturgy 1 Czech Z 1 26SS
306PD2 Practical Dramaturgy 2 Czech Tue
Room No. 311
ZK 2 26SS
300PPS1 Practical Work for FAMU 1 Czech Z 1 Z 1
300PPS0 Practical Work for FAMU 10
Czech Z 10 Z 10 Subject is not scheduled
300PPS2 Practical Work for FAMU 2
Czech Z 2 Z 2 Subject is not scheduled
300PPS3 Practical Work for FAMU 3
Czech Z 3 Z 3 Subject is not scheduled
300PPS4 Practical Work for FAMU 4
Czech Z 4 Z 4 Subject is not scheduled
300PPS5 Practical Work for FAMU 5
Czech Z 5 Z 5 Subject is not scheduled
300PPS6 Practical Work for FAMU 6
Czech Z 6 Z 6 Subject is not scheduled
300PPS7 Practical Work for FAMU 7
Czech Z 7 Z 7 Subject is not scheduled
300PPS8 Practical Work for FAMU 8
Czech Z 8 Z 8 Subject is not scheduled
300PPS9 Practical Work for FAMU 9
Czech Z 9 Z 9 Subject is not scheduled
301PD Producer's Dramaturgy Czech Wed
Room No. 434
Z 2 2T
305PO Programming and Business Czech ZK 3 2T
306PO3 Psychology and Profile of Personality 3 Czech ZK 2
306PO1 Psychology of Personality 1 Czech Z 1 26S
306PO2 Psychology of Personality 2 Czech Thu
Room No. 6
ZK 2 26S
373PD1 Screenings and Dialogues 1 Czech ZK 1 2PT
373PD2 Screenings and Dialogues 2 Czech Mon
Městská knihovna - velký sál
ZK 1 2PT
373PD3 Screenings and Dialogues 3 Czech ZK 1 2PT
373PD4 Screenings and Dialogues 4 Czech Mon
Městská knihovna - velký sál
ZK 1 2PT
373PD5 Screenings and Dialogues 5 Czech ZK 1 2PT
373PD6 Screenings and Dialogues 6 Czech Mon
Městská knihovna - velký sál
ZK 1 2PT
301KD1 Screenwriting - Consultation Workshop 1 Czech Z 1 9S
301KD2 Screenwriting - Consultation Workshop 2 Czech Z 1 9S
311SA1 Script Analysis 1 English Z 3 3T Z 3 3T
305DPR Script Editing for Producers
Czech Z 2 12S Subject is not scheduled
302PM Search after the components of film mizanscene
Czech Z 1 2T Subject is not scheduled
301DL1 Selected Chapters of Literature 1
Czech Z 2 2T Subject is not scheduled
373SAVA Seminar on Audiovisual Analysis Czech ZK 3 2ST
302KSSR Short Movie from Scriptwriter to Director
Czech Z 2 3T Subject is not scheduled
306DZ1 Sound Dramaturgy 1 Czech Z 1 2PT
308ZHDA Sound Dramaturgy in Audiovisual Works
Czech ZK 2 2T Subject is not scheduled
308ZEK Sound Ecology and Soundscape
Czech ZK 2 2T Subject is not scheduled
311SAE Soundtrack Aesthetics English Z 2 2T
306TETE Television Technic and Technology Czech Tue
Room No. 1
ZK 2 2T
373UPO The Art of the Moving Image Czech Thu
Room No. 423
Z 2 2ST
308ZTEZ The Basics of Electroacoustic Sound Design Czech Z 1 2T
308ZH The Basics of Music Czech Wed
ZK 2 2T
304KO The Camera Eye Czech Mon
Room No. 230
Z 1 3T
308SFF The Contemporary French Cinematography Czech ZK 2 26S
306GFJ1 The Grammar of Film Language 1 Czech Thu
Room No. 311
Z 1 2T
306GFJ2 The Grammar of Film Language 2 Czech ZK 2 2T
306SVE1 The Light 1
Czech Z 2 26SS Subject is not scheduled
306SVE2 The Light 2
Czech Z 2 26SS Subject is not scheduled
306SVE3 The Light 3
Czech Z 2 26SS Subject is not scheduled
373MOM1 The Power of the Image, The Image of Power 1 Czech Z 2 2T
373MOM2 The Power of the Image, The Image of Power 2 Czech Wed
Room No. 7
ZK 2 2T
305PEZ The Production of Virtual Entertainment
Czech Z 2 2T Subject is not scheduled
300FFVD Video on Demand
Czech Z,ZK 6 Subject is not scheduled
306DFU1 Workshop of Film Teaching 1
Czech Z 4 24S Subject is not scheduled
306DFU2 Workshop of Film Teaching 2
Czech Z 4 20S Subject is not scheduled
301SVL1 World Literature 1 Czech Z 1 2T
301SVL2 World Literature 2 Czech Mon
Room No. 4
ZK 2 2T
301SVL3 World Literature 3 Czech Z 1 2T
301SVL4 World Literature 4 Czech Wed
Room No. 432
ZK 2 2T