Hide subjects not taught in the current semester
Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER
Tutor completion ECTS range completion ECTS range
306MCJW Cinergy with Joe Walker
English Z 1 2D Subject is not scheduled
306MDRW Documentary rough-cut workshop dok.incubator
English Z 2 2/D Subject is not scheduled
306MJMC Juan Mora Catlett
English, Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
311MPWM1 Postproduction Workflow Module I (digital) English Z 1 1D
306MWOP Postrpoduction workflow (Avid, DaVinci)
Czech Z 1 1D Subject is not scheduled
306MSFP Spontaneus film experience
Czech Z 2 20S Subject is not scheduled
306MEO4 Trailer editing of Ex Oriente Film workshop projects
English Z 2 Subject is not scheduled
306MEO3 Trailer editing of Ex Oriente Film workshop projects 3
English Z 2 2/D Subject is not scheduled