Spectrum of Audiovision_KSS

Hide subjects not taught in the current semester
Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER
Tutor completion ECTS range completion ECTS range
373REK Applying Aesthetic Categories in Film Czech ZK 2 2PT
373ITTE1 Art and Technology of Intermedia 1
Czech Z 2 4DT Subject is not scheduled
373ITTE2 Art and Technology of Intermedia 2
Czech Z 2 4DT Subject is not scheduled
373FAE1 Avant-garde and experimental film 1 Czech Wed
Room No. 6
ZK 3 4PT
373SAF Film Analysis Seminar Czech Z 1 33SS Z 1 33SS
373DFT1 History of Audiovisual Theory 1
Czech ZK 3 12PS + 12SS Subject is not scheduled
373DFT2 History of Audiovisual Theory 2
Czech ZK 3 14PS + 14SS Subject is not scheduled
373DNM1 New Media History 1 English, Czech ZK 3 4PT
373DNM2 New Media History 2 Czech Wed
Room No. 423
ZK 3 4PT
309MAN1 Possibilities of Animation 1 Czech Z 2 24PS
309MAN2 Possibilities of Animation 2 Czech Wed
Room No. 5
ZK 2 28PS
373PD1 Screenings and Dialogues 1 Czech ZK 1 2PT
373PD2 Screenings and Dialogues 2 Czech Mon
Městská knihovna - velký sál
ZK 1 2PT
373PD3 Screenings and Dialogues 3 Czech ZK 1 2PT
373PD4 Screenings and Dialogues 4 Czech Mon
Městská knihovna - velký sál
ZK 1 2PT
373PD5 Screenings and Dialogues 5 Czech ZK 1 2PT
373PD6 Screenings and Dialogues 6 Czech Mon
Městská knihovna - velký sál
ZK 1 2PT
373UPO The Art of the Moving Image Czech Thu
Room No. 423
Z 2 2ST
303DDF1 The History of Documentary Film 1
Czech ZK 3 4T Subject is not scheduled
303DDF2 The History of Documentary Film 2
Czech ZK 3 4T Subject is not scheduled