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Study plan Audiovisual Studies - Master - 1920_2y – 1st year

Study programme: Film, Television, Photography, and New Media
Study type: Continuing Master's Programme
Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | simplified
tutor code completion ECTS range code completion ECTS range
Povinné předměty hlavní
Final Commission 3 373KLZK3 ZK 1 6CS
Minimal number of credits per semester 0 1
Required subjects
Audiovisual Semi 373AS7 Z 1 2ST 373AS8 Z 1 2ST
Copyright in the Arts 373AP Z 2 24S
Workshop 373DV5 Z 3 4T 373DV6 Z 3 4T
Final Work 3 373KP3 Z 3 90CS
Audiovisual Studies: Consultation Workshop 2 373KD2 Z 1 12DS 373KD2 Z 1 12DS
Thought and Media 373NMM1 Z 2 2ST 373NMM2 ZK 2 2ST
Seminář kritiky a stylistiky 373SKS1 ZK 2 2T 373SKS2 ZK 2 2T
Final Assembly in Poněšice 373ZSP4 Z 1 3/D
Audiovisual Studies 3 373AVST3 Z 4
Technical Training 373BTCV7 Z 3 5CT 373BTCV8 Z 3 5CT
Free Practice in a Public Space or in GAMU 373VVG1 Z 5 30DS+70P
Research, Reflection, Conference 373VRK ZK 5
Minimal number of credits per semester 14 24
Compulsory optional subjects
Audiovisual Studies: Teaching Practice 373PPM Z 5 20S 373PPM Z 5 20S
HISTORY AND THEORY OF ART, SOCIAL SCIENCES_1920 In this group you have to obtain throughout your study at least 6 credits (at most 0)
TECHNOLOGY AND PRACTICE OF AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA_1920 In this group you have to obtain throughout your study at least 4 credits (at most 0)
MODULES FAMU In this group you have to obtain throughout your study at least 4 credits
SECOND FOREIGN LANGUAGE - OBLIGATORY CHOICE In this group you have to obtain throughout your study at least 5 credits
Minimal number of credits per semester 0 0
Optional subjects
Minimal number of credits per semester 0 0
Total number of set credits 14 25
Recommended number of credits per semester that should be obtained from optional and compulsory-optional subjects 16 5
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30 30

373CASM19201R # 373CASM-1819 #